Page 12 of Cooper
But after spendingseveral hours working with patients who did not have the means to goto a regular health center, he had to admit he was charmed. Rough andtumble men had swaggered into the clinic with various ailments,showing respect for the petite woman who did not seem intimidated bytheir size or swagger.
He watched as shetreated them, reprimanded them when needed, and ignored the heavyflirtation and invitations. Dr. Brooke Campbell was all about thework and was unafraid of anyone.
Sitting in what couldbe loosely called the staff lunch area, replete with the surprisinglydelicious spaghetti and meatballs topped off by the scrumptiousstrawberry shortcake and not-too-bad coffee, he was ready to returnto work.
The woman who had intrigued him when he saw her wassat near the doorway, absorbed in some files she had brought.
She had brieflyacknowledged him before going off to sit by herself. Miranda hadchosen to sit next to him and talked his ears off before leaving togo back out front.
Taking a leisurelysip of the coffee, he watched her surreptitiously, noticing theelegant length of her fingers and how long her lashes were. And thatshe was biting down on her lush bottom lip as she penciled insomething at the edge of the chart.
Suddenly, she lookedup, golden-brown eyes colliding with his, a frown on her smoothforehead. “Is there a reason you are still here?”
“Just enjoyingthe coffee,” he responded mildly, a faint smile touching hislips. “Nothing wrong with that, is there?”
“Of course not.But while you are lounging around and enjoying the coffee, patientsare waiting to be taken care of. This is not your fancy hospitalbrimming over with doctors and nurses. If you recall, it’s justthe two of us here to tend to these sick people, and we do not havethe luxury of taking an hour for lunch.”
“I have been inhere-” He consulted his watch. “Twenty minutes now.”
“That’sten minutes overtime. You are needed in the examination room. A childwas just brought in with an acute ear infection.”
“Yes, ma’am.”With a mock salute, he rose and left the room without finishing hiscoffee.
Staring at the spacewhere he had been, she shook her head and tried to get back to whatshe had been doing. She had felt his eyes on her and had been angrythat she had been unable to ignore his presence in the break room.
Dr. Graham was amiddle-aged man who had barely said two words to her, which was OKwith her. She was here to treat her patients, and that was it.
She was notinterested in some wealthy ass doctor with thick glossy black hairand amber eyes. No doubt he had a well-equipped gym from his looks,and she had glimpsed outside and saw his red sports car.
What the hell was hethinking, driving that here? She had thought irritably. It wouldserve him right if the vehicle were gone when he was ready to leave.But she knew it would still be there. She had established a rapportwith the gang members in the area, and they fiercely protected herand anyone else associated with her.
She was here to treattheir loved ones, which was highly appreciated. She had shown herstrength when one of them had sauntered in and tried to be aggressivewith her; she had seen it for what it was - a metaphorical andphysical flexing of power. She had met it with one of her own bystanding up to him, which garnered her respect.
The rest had come bywhen they realized that she cared well and was not playing doctor.
Putting the foldersaway, she finished her coffee and left the room to return to work.
“I think we arethrough for the day.” Brooke rubbed a hand at the back of herneck and felt the tension building there. “If you are finished,you might as well go home.” She told Miranda.
“And leave youalone with McDreamy?”
“The hot doctorfilling in for Dr. Graham. Have you seen the number of femalepatients we had today?”
“I ampretty sure we always have a lot of female patients.” Brookeretorted dryly.
“Not this many.It’s like those here before went out to spread the word. Someof them came in and insisted they wanted to be treated by the hotdoctor, and I am using their words. A couple of them just had a fewsniffles.”
“You shouldhave alerted me, and I would have moved them along.”
“Ah, doc,”Miranda’s eyes twinkled. “Why spoil their fun? If lookingat the sumptuous-looking doctor makes their day, who am I to stand intheir way? The men come here to gaze at you with stars in their eyes,don't they?”
“You arehilarious. Go home.”
“You are theboss.” Miranda grinned at her as she tidied her desk. “Seeyou in the morning.”