Page 14 of Cooper
“I completelyagree with you.” Light green eyes studied his face. “What’son your mind? I noticed that you appeared distracted while we were inthe meeting.”
Rising with his usualgrace, he started pacing the length of the large office, stopping atthe window where the other high-rise buildings speared upwards to thesky. It was a lovely day, the sky a deep cerulean blue, the sun abrilliant contrast. He had spent yesterday tending to thepoverty-stricken, which had felt wonderful.
Not to mention thewoman who runs the clinic. For the first time, he had not beencourted as Cooper Rochester but treated like an ordinary person. Ithad been humbling.
“I volunteeredat the clinic downtown yesterday.”
“So I heard. Icannot believe you went into that neighborhood. Mother was having afit.”
He turned to look ather, a whimsical smile on his face. “I had misgivings going in,but it was not bad.” He shook his head. “It waswonderful, Cait.
The people, theirneeds, and the smiles on their faces, especially the children, mademy day. I was propositioned sexually more times than I can recall andoffered freshly baked cookies for my service. It was an illuminatingexperience.”
“And hopefully,a one-time thing.”
He grinned as hewalked back over to sit on the chair facing the plain desk, largehands folded around the cup. “Dr. Graham is still at theconference and has asked me to fill in for him tomorrow. I am lookingforward to it.” His expression became thoughtful. “Youhappen to know the doctor who runs the place.”
“I highly doubtit.”
“Dr. BrookeCampbell.”
“Any relationto Marjorie Campbell?”
“Her daughter.I had no idea that she was from such a wealthy family.”
“She is from afamily and chooses to be at that clinic. The place is situated in theworst part of the downtown area.”
“And needs aninflux of capital. The exam rooms are too small, and the medicalequipment is from another century. The lunch area is a joke, but onlytwo people work there.
Dr. Campbell and herreceptionist. Doctors and nurses from different hospitals dorotations to help out as part of an arrangement, but the place ispacked with people needing help.
The place is notequipped for surgeries, but Dr. Campbell is determined to do what shecan with the little she has available. I thought we could contributeto the place by donating some equipment and medicines. These peoplecannot afford a pharmacy or insurance.”
Caitlin stared at herbrother curiously. “It sounds like you are on a crusade.”
He shrugged andleaned back, taking a sip of his excellent coffee. “I admirewhat she is trying to do.”
“And no doubtin the process, admire the woman as well.” She murmuredintuitively.
“I have no ideawhat you are talking about.” finishing the coffee, he rose andwent to put away his cup. “I have to run, duty calls.”
“No doubt, wewill pick back up this conversation at another time.”
“Whatconversation?” With his disarming smile, he left her, closingthe doors behind him.
“I have made anappointment for you at Salon Absolute. I had to do some tap dancingand promised that dreadful Simone that I would get her some ticketsto the ballet for next Saturday.” Marjorie squeezed the wedgeof lemon into the sparkling water before taking a tentative sip.
“You arerequired to show up on time. It costs an arm and a leg, but theservice is excellent, and the results are guaranteed.” With agrimace, she passed a critical glance over the haphazard braids.
“I wished youwould have contacted me before doing so, Mother.” Brooke hadbeen forced into the standing luncheon appointment and regretted it.She could not afford to take time off for lunch, which MarjorieCampbell refuses to consider.
“I knew youwould have found some excuse to escape it. The spring ball is comingup, and you cannot deny it is for a worthy cause.”
“I had everyintention of dealing with my hair-”
“Byslathering gel all over it and brushing in the loose hairs. I know,darling. You are such a beautiful woman, if only you would-”