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"I know what Iam doing." She insisted.
"Do you? Look atyourself in the mirror, Maddie. You are exquisite. If I were not sodamned messed up, I would be chasing after you."
"You areforgetting something."
"Which is?"
"We are likesiblings….."
"You had tospoil it." Tossing back the wine, he walked to the cabinet topour more. "I saw her today."
"It's fine."He tossed back the drink. "It takes some getting used to. She isgoing ahead with the divorce.”
"Oh, Kyle. Ithought she was going to try and give you another chance."
"She metsomeone." He finished the wine and came to sit across from her."I messed up, Maddie."
"You are adoctor, and she knew that going in."
"I was alwaysasking for more shifts-"
"So that youcould give her the life she demanded." Putting her glass down,she came to sit on the arm of his chair.
"I love her.Still." Leaning back in the chair, he closed his eyes indespair. "When she came to the hospital and said she wanted usto go for coffee, I felt the hope flared inside my chest. She wascoming back to me; that's what I told myself when she called. I hadsurgery and told her that I would be free in about an hour."
She reached for hishand and squeezed.
"We were at thecafe, you know, the one near the hospital. She ordered the espressoas usual and asked me about work. Small talk, things like that. Ithought she was working to tell me she was coming back. Only torealize that she is waiting - making me feel at ease before she pullsthe rug out from under me."
"Honey, I am sosorry. She did not deserve you."
Turning his head, hesmiled at her and wished, not for the first time, they could feelsomething more romantic between them. Madison Hunt was exquisite, andthey had known each other since kindergarten when she had elbowed himin the gut after he had tugged at her ponytail.
They had seen eachother through different trials and tribulations. He had been therewhen she lost her parents and that long period when she had to adjustto living with her aunt.
He left for severalyears to serve in the Navy and attend medical school. After hereturned from serving, they tried to hook up but decided that beingfriends was better for them.
She had beenskeptical when he told her he had met someone, and after they wereintroduced, she had warned him that Jackie was not who she appearedto be.. Now, he was paying the price.
"She accused meof being more than friends to you. Said you are the main reason themarriage did not work."
Madison's eyesglinted. "That bitch." She shook her head. "I amsorry, Kyle, but that's how I feel. I suspected her and cornered herone afternoon. I warned her if she did not come clean with you andhurt you, I was going to hurt her."
"Maddie-"He sighed out her name.
"I am not goingto apologize for looking out for you."
"As if youwould. We are a pair, aren't we?"
"I am here foryou, you know that, right?"
"I do."Leaning over, he kissed the top of her head. "You should getgoing."
"I will call andtell Aunt Ilene I am spending the night. She would not want meleaving you alone under the circumstances."
"I don't needyou to hold my hand."