Page 2 of Brennan
"No need forthat, honey." Ilene waved a dismissive hand. "We have sometroubles, and now it’s on the way to being behind us."Reaching across the counter, she squeezed her niece's hand gently."We’re in a good place right now. You’re gettingyour dream job-"
"And the salarywill get us out of our hole." Madison agreed.
"You’re agood girl, honey. Most women your age and with your looks wouldn’tbother with someone like me."
“You’releaving?" Sophia pushed back the blonde hair off her shouldersand blinked sea-green eyes at the man standing at the window.
"I’mafraid so."
"I could comewith you?"
Brennan turnedaround, a smile crossed his lips as he took in the rumpled look ofthe woman sprawled on top of his blue sheets. The summons had comeand at a very opportune time. Sophia was getting clingy and readingtoo much into the relationship. Besides, his mother would neverapprove.
"You know that'snot going to happen." Shoving his hands into his pockets, herocked back on his heels.
"You are theboss's son."
"I was yourboss." He reminded her. Moving away from the window, he came tosit on the edge of the bed.
"When are youleaving?" She asked with a pout.
His hand lifted tobrush back the hair from her forehead. "Early in the morning."
"We should goout and celebrate. A party!"
"No."Taking her hand in his, he lifted it to his lips. "I don't thinkit's a good idea."
"You are justleaving me like this? Bren-"
"No."Shaking his head, he placed a finger over her lips. "It's over."
"I must be outof my mind to come out in this lousy weather," Madisonexclaimed, shaking the snow from her hair and removing her jacket.
"That's becauseyou love me," Kyle said with a smile as he embraced her. "AndI am very grateful you came." Tucking her hand through his arm,he led the way into the cozy living room, where a fire was blazing inthe hearth.
"Where's thefire?"
"I am drivingback home. Okay, what the hell? Yes."
Walking over to thecabinet, he poured two glasses of the red wine and returned them toher. "You got the job."
"I did."Her smile was wide as she leaned back in the chair and stretched herlegs out.
"You will beworking for Elizabeth Connelly—very high profile and always inthe papers. " Kyle sipped the wine, his light blue eyesquizzical. "As her assistant, you will be her go-to girl. Alwayson call like me. Darling, I am a physician, and I have a pager withme. You will have to have your phone on twenty-four/seven."
"I know."
"And you areprepared to give up your social life for the job? Because that iswhat's going to happen."
"What sociallife?"
"Good point. Butyou don't know what will happen a year from now, hell, a month fromnow. You might meet someone, and then what? You signed a legaldocument-"