Page 4 of Brennan

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Page 4 of Brennan

"Who saidanything about that?" Picking up her phone, she made the call."Let's get drunk."


Brennan figured hehad been away too long. After a year in Europe, he divided his timebetween France, Italy, and the UK, where they had interests.

Now, he felt like astranger. He had deliberately gone to the club as soon as he arrived.He loved his mother dearly but did not want to face her yet. He knewshe looked forward to seeing him after so much time away, but heneeded to relax.

"Darling, Iplanned a dinner party to celebrate your return." She protested.

"No doubt with ahundred of your closest friends." He teased.

"More likefifty. I am getting too old to be CEO."

"You are sixtyyears old and don't look a day over forty."

That had pleased heras he knew it would.

"I will be thereon Sunday, I promise."

He had wrapped up thecall as soon as he reached the club. Now, he was at the bar, nursinghis favorite drink - scotch with a twist of lemon. The weather wasdismal, the clouds stormy and threatening, making it difficult foranyone to venture outdoors.

He also that theparty his mother had planned was to reintroduce him into society tofind a suitable wife. He did not intend to allow his mother to pick awife for him and was not yet ready to settle down.

He was tired of thepartying and the constant functions he was obligated to attend. Asthe son of Elizabeth Connelly, it was his duty to represent thecompany.

His wife had taken on the role and made the company more successful than ever. Shewas ruthless and had an focus that could not be overlooked. The boardmembers resisted her initially, but that did not stop her. She hadwalked into the board meeting several months after the scandal andtold the men that there would be changes.

"And if you donot like it - if serving under a woman is distasteful to you - any ofyou - there is the door - use it."

She had continued toimplement changes and found a loophole to fire people who wereincompetent or lazy or she knew for a fact had been servicing herhusband.

Almost overnight, shehad taken a reasonably successful company, turned it into amulti-billion-dollar industry, and dragged her son along with her.


"I have to go."

"What time isit?" Madison sat up and felt her head spinning.

"Almost ten. Iwas not supposed to be on today but got called in."

"How can youlook so fresh and chirpy when we both finished those two bottles ofwine last night?"

"You don't havemuch of a head for liquor." He reminded her. "And I havebeen up since the crack of dawn. Patients files to go over."Flicking a finger down her chin, he rose. "I made coffee. Thatshould do the trick, and you don't have to stay another night,darling. I am fine. Besides, you have work to prepare for tomorrow."

"And shopping todo." She eyed him closely. "You look a lot better than youdid yesterday."

"I did somethinking, and I am cool with the situation. I am not going to fighther on the divorce. I have my pride and do not want to be with awoman who does not want to be with me. I will be gone before you comeout of the bathroom. Just lock up, will you?"

"Go, save lives.I will be fine."

Chapter 2

"The prodigalson returns." Elizabeth glided forward, arms outstretched, asmile wreathing her face. "Finally. Darling, I have been waitingsince breakfast." With a nod, she dismissed the housekeeper whohad come forward to take his jacket.

"Mother, asdramatic as usual." Taking her into his arms, he returned herhug, closing his eyes as her familiar perfume filled his nostrils. "Icame as soon as I was able."

"We are havinglunch in the blue sitting room." Tucking her hand through hisarm, she led them through the maze of passageways and into theelegant blue and white room with the high arched ceiling and delicatefurnishings. The table in the center of the room was set with apristine white tablecloth and silver-covered domes.

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