Page 21 of Cord SEAL
I didn’t even so much as blink as I looked at her, even though I knew she was trying to push my buttons. This is part of her new game these days, trying to see how far she can push me before she gets a reaction. Last time she ended up getting her ass beat. Let’s see how far she was willing to push it this time. I knew she would reach a point where she would start to chafe at the invisible restraints I’d placed on her, but she wasn’t going to have much luck with that shit.
“You knew when you put it on that I wouldn’t like it, so why did you?” I waited for her answer, but she wasn’t feeling very brave anymore since she buttoned up.
I have no doubt that her sisters had a hand in this, that she’d probably ran to them complaining about today. Little does she know that it would take a hell of lot more to get her what she wants.
She didn’t seem to understand that I wanted her as much as she wanted me, even more. That it was killing me to walk away after each little session. But my restraint was for her, she’s gonna need it.
There was no sense in warning her off, because my soon to be wife have proven to be as stubborn as a fucking two headed mule. The more I show her my heart, the more she digs her heels in, almost as if she expected me to give up. Like she was testing me. Daddy issues.
“Change it.” She huffed and straightened herself up with that look in her eye that told me she wasn’t about to do what I said. She wouldn’t see it as outright disobedience, no, she would see it as being assertive and having a mind of her own as she’s so fond of reminding me of whenever her dander’s up.
Taking both ends of the neckline in my hands, I pulled in opposite directions until the scrap of see through cloth laid on the floor at her feet. Her sigh of outrage didn’t phase me one bit.
“They’re here, make yourself decent, and whatever that is that you’re about to say to me, don’t. I don’t have time to give you what you want.” Instead I pulled her into me, dipped my hand between her thighs and rubbed while teasing her tongue with mine.
I didn’t have time to really lay one on her, not the all-consuming tonsil cleaning way I wanted to. She melted into me as I rubbed her pussy through her panties, cupping her heat in the palm of my hand. I pulled my tongue and my fingers away as I heard the back door slam. “Heed me, wear something decent to dinner.” I knew she had things that were fit for mixed company because I had bought them myself.
She’d had a lot to say about that as well when the delivery guy had dropped off boxes of stuff and it was all for her. I didn’t argue with her then either while she told me that she was a grown woman who could choose her own clothes, and this while she was digging through the boxes like a kid on Xmas morning.
I should’ve known as I walked out of the room that it wouldn’t be that easy but I soon got caught up in the camaraderie as my brothers and their women trooped in looking to be fed.
“Well, I don’t see any whips and chains so we’re not interrupting anything.”
“Shut up Ty.”
“Hey don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just saying there was some speculation from certain quarters.” He looked at Lo who shook his head and nabbed a carrot stick from the tray I had laid out.
The women were giving me covert looks, which solidified my belief that they had a hand in her little fashion mishap, their smirks as they asked me how my day was-was a dead giveaway.
She came back into the room and I sighed. “We’ll be right back.” I took her arm and led her out of the room back to ours to the sound of snickers behind us.
“You’re being rude Cord, and dinner’s getting cold.” Nice try. She’d changed alright, only this outfit wasn’t much better than the last. The skirt was way above her knees and this top although not see through, was tight enough I could see her nipples.
I ran my hand under her skirt and rubbed her pussy while pulling her head back to feed her my tongue. When her pussy juiced on my fingers and her breath became choppy I let her go and walked to the door. “Change.” I was a hundred percent sure she wouldn’t dare disobey that tone as I left.
She came back into the room in her usual jeans and tee shirt and a major chip on her shoulder. No one said anything about the change in wardrobe, but the women obviously hadn’t missed it and its significance, if the looks passing between them, was anything to go by.
There was a lot of teasing and innuendos as everyone got settled at the table. This is the way it’s supposed to be I guess, the fuck do I know? My mother was a junkie who would’ve sold me to get her next fix and my father was an unknown. I’d grown up on the mean streets of Michigan and had learned how to fend for myself from the age of seven. Had it not been for the service and my brothers, I would’ve ended up on the wrong side of the law. Then again, the way this shit was shaping up, it looks like I’d got into bed with the biggest crime syndicate of them all. Fucking government.
All we wanted when we timed out was some peace and quiet. We had drawn up plans for a business years ago when we decided that the bond of brotherhood should not be broken once we made it back stateside. We’d done everything we could to watch each other’s backs in battle and meant to carry that on in life. It would’ve been damn near impossible for us to come back to anything else, after enduring what we had together.
The commander had known, he’d understood. That’s why he’d left us this place, so that we could stay close. He knew that the machine he’d built wouldn’t work well unless all the pieces stayed together.
We each had our own childhood demons to fight. Things that we’d long left behind that we’d shared only with each other. That’s one of the reasons I was so happy for them when they found their women. Our pact to never get married while inside was pretty much null and void now, but isn’t it fucked that even here, where it’s supposed to be safe, we’re facing the worse danger?
No matter how hard I try I can’t get away from it. We tell ourselves to put it away when we’re together like this. That’s because we don’t want this shit to touch the women in anyway if we can help it. But it’s not that easy to turn off the mind. I told myself to shake it off and let it go for the time being, bringing my thoughts back to the here and now.
This was something else we’d promised ourselves. Before Dani came along our meals were shared between us, each man had a turn at cooking but we all ate together out of habit I guess. Now that the women were here, the food was better, but we still made it a point to eat together. Luckily for us our women understood that unspoken rule, and so far we’d lucked out where the females were concerned. There was no infighting among them. Like they’d been tailor made for us. To fit into our lives!
You’d think we’d been like this forever instead of just a few short months, the ease with which we all came together. In fact, the women had bonded together so well as sisters, my brothers and I had to keep an eye on them to keep their asses out of constant trouble. And though we fussed at them for it, I’m sure they all felt like I did. We’d hit the fucking jackpot.
My family. That’s what I see as I look around the table. The laughter of the women helped to smooth some of the rough edges in my gut, especially one particular sound that went right to the heart of me. She’d put aside her little pique at me. I guess she would be saving that for later. I felt a slight smile tip the edges of my lips as I thought of her antics.
I do that a lot these days, smile. There’s a lot to smile about even with everything that’s going on. But way too often beneath my pleasure is the constant gnawing anger. They shouldn’t have to live like this, shut away from the rest of the world. How long before they grew tired of us keeping them here, holding them hostage? How long before they were no longer living under threat of a madman? Put it away Cord.
I listened now to my sisters making plans for their upcoming nuptials as if they didn’t have a care in the world, I wanted to make that a reality. This was the only time I ever see my brothers relaxed anymore, when they were with their women.
Each of them had an arm around their future bride and even Dev and Quinn were beaming at the girls’ antics as they ragged on their men about one thing or another. Davey was looking better these days as well. The interest my brothers and I showed him, and the way we’d drawn him into our circle had helped to give him more confidence. But he too had been shut away from his friends for the past couple weeks. Finding out that he was the old man’s son had upped our protectiveness of the young man who was now more brother than friend, and he blossomed under our care.