Page 22 of Cord SEAL
My Susie was right in the middle of it, putting in her two cents in between giving me coy looks. She’ll soon be planning her own wedding too, little did she know, just as soon as I finish designing her rings.
Ours was not going to be the most orthodox of unions by no stretch of the imagination, but the chain I’d hung around her last night was just the beginning, and to me, just as important as the ring I will some day put on her finger.
As the night wound down reality kicked in again. Tomorrow I was sending my woman out there alone without me. It would be the first time in a long while that I was letting her out of my sight. I thought I was prepared for it, but now I’m not so sure. There was no way for me to secure her mom’s place and short of me sleeping outside her bedroom window there was no way for me to keep eyes on her. Fuck I don’t know if I can do it.
“What are you thinking about so hard big guy?” Tyler asked the question under his breath so as not to alert the others. “Sometimes, I wonder.”
“Wonder what?”
“How we got so fucking lucky. I mean, doesn’t it hit you out of the blue sometimes? Don’t you wake up some nights and just stare at your woman? Just watch her breathe, touch her face and wonder how the fuck did this fall into your lap so easy?”
“Every fucking day bro, but you know what, we deserve it. Took me a while to accept that, to take that happiness and run with it. After the shit we came from, then the horror of war, I think Vicki is my reward. What’s really bothering you?”
That’s one of the dangers of living with men who knew me so well. I can’t hide from them. “I can’t do it.”
“Do what, marry her?”
“No you fuck, tomorrow. She’s supposed to go home tomorrow. Her mother’s making noises about not seeing her and Davey.”
“I got you, it would be hard for me to let Vicki out of my sight now too. What does she say, how does she feel about going? She’s not scared is she?”
“I don’t know, she wants to go but…I don’t think it’s such a good idea. I still don’t know why she was in that book or who the fuck put her there. I can’t keep an eye on her over there and we’re supposed to go to the job site tomorrow which means I won’t be around if something happens.”
“So don’t let her go.” That’s easy for him to say, he don’t have to put up with her shit. Not that I would let that deter me one way or the other, but it had been a while since she’d seen her mother, who has been very understanding so far.
Dani and Gaby were older and had been out on their own before meeting my brothers, so had Vicki, and Nessa lived out of town. My girl was still living at home with her mom who had no idea what was going on and wouldn’t understand why her kids couldn’t come home when she wanted them to.
For now, she was under the impression that Susie was here keeping an eye on her brother who was here because we were keeping our word to the CO. That’s the story we’d come up with to pacify her just in case she started asking questions, which she hadn’t as yet. But how long would that last if I kept her daughter away from her?
“Go with your gut brother, fuck everything else.” His words stayed with me even after everyone had left and Davey had gone to bed. Thank fuck his room was well away from ours, and the playroom and he had no idea of the things that went on between us at night.
“Still mad about my outfit?” She climbed into my lap, as I was deep in thought. I turned my eyes on her. “Nope, I would’ve been mad if anyone else had seen you in it though.” She pouted and rolled her eyes as her hand played with the collar of my shirt.
“How are you doing baby?”
“I’m fine, except for the fact that I have this annoying boyfriend…that is what you are right?” She had her tongue in her cheek ready to fuck with me.”
“I’m nobody’s boy, little girl. What I am is your Dom.” Her cheeks pinked up and her body shook just a little but I felt it.
“Carry on, you have this annoying Dom…” My hand reached under her shirt to the flat of her stomach and the chain that rested there. She gulped and looked at me.
“Uh nothing, I forgot what I was going to say.” I ran my fingers over the chain and her flesh with my eyes fixed on her mouth. It wasn’t long before her tongue came out to lick her lips, as her breath grew rapid.
I purposely did not touch her anywhere else, just kept her on the edge as I reminded her over and over again of how she was to comport herself while at her mother’s.
I gave her my mouth again once we got to bed, but didn’t let her feel me between her legs even though she begged and pleaded with me to. A hard slap on her ass was enough to calm her down and I let her cum as much as she desired until her poor body gave out. I didn’t relieve myself, but endured the sharp pain of a hard cock and a full nut sac. I guess I was punishing myself for going against my own wishes by letting her go away tomorrow.
That night I held her close to my heart, as I laid awake keeping watch over her. Every so often she’d sigh in her sleep and cuddle in closer, tearing a little more of my heart with her innocence.
When my dick finally eased up and the pain lessened I gave into sleep with the soft weight of her body pressing into me. This is the last time I agree to this shit. It was that thought that released me from my hell and allowed me some semblance of peace until morning.
“Remember, stay inside I have to go to work today so I won’t be around.” She gave me her patented ‘I’m a big girl’ look before hefting her bag higher on her shoulder.