Page 20 of Cord SEAL
By the time I made it back to the girls I was raving mad and my body was on fire. I’d held it in very well since I didn’t want my ass heated up, but if I could get away with it I’d brain him but good. How could he? What kind of twisted bastard was he, to tease me like that?
“What’s wrong with you?” Vanessa clocked me with her eyes as I made my way across the living room. I’ve never discussed any of the things Cord and I did together, not that he’d ever told me not to, I just took it as a given. But I was mad enough to throw caution to the wind. “Beat it Davey.” He rolled his eyes, mumbled something under his breath and hotfooted it out the door back to Cord’s place no doubt.
I told them just enough so they’d get the picture without going into too much detail. You could hear a pin drop. “Oh my…” Dani fanned herself while the others stared wide-eyed. “Ahem, and I’m guessing from your reaction he’s never uh done this before?”
“Nope, but it’s the first time we ever came this close to going all the way. The pigheaded son of a bitch.”
That opened a whole new can of worms and everyone started talking at once. “You and Cord have never gone all the way.” Vicki said it more as a statement of disbelief than a question. “No we haven’t not for my lack of trying. I mean what’s wrong with me? Why wouldn’t he…you know?” I shrugged my shoulders even as I knew the answer to my own question.
I knew I was being unfair, after all he’d explained things to me, but couldn’t he see how frustrating this was for me? What do I need to do to convince him that I’m beyond ready? If I was any more ready I’d combust.
“If Logan did that to me as hot as it sounds I’d skin him.”
“Yes but imagine the anticipation. Oooh, Connor’s getting jumped tonight.” Dani gave a mock shiver and gulped her water. See, even the pregnant woman is getting more action than me.
“Okay, we know these guys have control issues but there’s something else going on here, and since it’s Cord, I can only imagine.” Vanessa sat forward in her chair. I was starting to get nervous, like maybe I’d shared too much, but then they started throwing around ideas.
“Well you’re just gonna have to seduce him.”
“What? Gaby, are you nuts? I wouldn’t even begin to know how to do that.”
“Of course you do. Have you seen the way he looks at you whenever you’re in the same room together?”
“No, how does he look at me?”
“Like he’d die for you. You should see him when he gets distracted by one of the others and turn around to find you gone. He’s on high alert until you come back into the room. It’s so cute.”
I have to admit her words made me giddy, but I was still not sure about her idea. So far Cord has been calling the shots in that department, and green as I am that’s just fine by me. Plus I’m not sure how well my trying to turn the tables will go over. He tends to like doing things his way, and that’s that. If her little plan goes awry it’s going to be my ass on the line.
Knowing Gaby though, once she gets an idea in her head you’d need a stick of dynamite to get it out. “I have the perfect thing for you to wear.” Dani had the wickedest smile on her face and a gleam in her eye. That did not bode well for me
“Uh, Dani I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m more jeans and tees than lace and silk.”
“Trust me you’re gonna look amazing in this. I picked it up on a dare from Gaby a while back but never had the courage to actually wear it. But with your figure, it’ll be smashing on you.”
“Oh yes and we can do your hair and nails and…” Gaby was already halfway out of the room before I could say yes or no. I was already regretting this whatever it was, but of course I went along with it.
My guts were in knots by the time they were through primping me from head to toe and it was time for me to go back to his place to get dinner started.
“Susie, come here.” I could see and hear the others leaving their homes to head over to mine, so I had to make this quick. She didn’t know it, but I’ve been watching her every move from beneath hooded lids since I walked in the door. She’s been avoiding me ever since I came out of the shower, thinks I didn’t notice, but I’m so tuned into her I don’t miss a damn thing where she’s concerned.
It’s funny really, and I hate to admit it, but Ty might be right. I am definitely bitch made. I haven’t even fucked yet and I’m all the way gone. I wake up hard and go to bed harder. When we’re apart for more than five minutes I go into fucking withdrawal and start snapping at everyone in a five-mile radius, before I have to go find her. Something I’ve been guilty of more and more lately since she has me on a damn leash.
I don’t know what, but I know she and her girls were up to some shit. I’d felt her little pique ever since we climbed out of bed this afternoon and understood how she felt. For fuck sake my balls were about to change color and I’m more experienced than she is. So I can only imagine what a little innocent like her must be feeling. She has no idea how close she came to being fucked this afternoon. How hard it was for me to pull out before I fully breeched her. But the time hadn’t been right no matter how much we both wanted it.
Now I’d been in the house a full hour and she’s been avoiding me. There was no telling what was going through her mind. I just hope my nosy ass sisters hadn’t put her up to anything that was gonna get her ass in trouble.
“I know you heard me little girl; move.” She’d come out of the bedroom and slipped into the bathroom before I got a good look at her, that’s why I was calling her front and center. Her behavior was sending off alarm bells loud and clear. I saw the reason as soon as she came into the room and nearly blew my top. What the fuck?
“Yes?” I knew from the tone that she knew exactly what I was gonna say. Always with the attitude, something I loved and despaired of at the same time. It was like walking a tightrope, straddling the line between reeling her ass in and not killing that spirit that made her so attractive.
“Love the hair but everything else is a miss. You’re not wearing this in front of my brothers.” I started to pull at the flimsy top she wore as she looked down at herself. “Why what’s wrong with it?” She wrapped her arms around her middle and tried backing away from me.