Page 43 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
She gave him a crooked smile. "What if I'm an assassin, and I'll sneak up on you when you're asleep?"
"I'll risk it." He pulled her against his body and kissed her one last time before letting her go.
"Thank you." Marina lifted on her toes, planted a quick kiss on his cheek, and scurried away.
A stupid smile stretching his face, Peter stood in the shaded nook for a long moment before commanding his feet to move. He excused it by not wanting to compromise Marina, but the kitchen staff probably knew what she was doing and with whom. Maybe that's why that woman had called her back in? To give her a talking-to for fraternizing with the employers?
Would they make her change her mind about coming to his cabin later tonight?
The thought was too upsetting to be just about losing a night of pleasure with an attractive female. He liked being with Marina even though they hadn't spent more than a few minutes together.
What was it about her that made her special?
The answer to that seemed simple. Other than Kagra, she was the only female to share his bed, knowing who he was. He didn't need to pretend to be human, he didn't need to hide his fangs and glowing eyes, and after she passed out from the euphoric rush of his venom, he wouldn't need to thrall her to forget anything. He also didn't need to leave the bed and could wake up next to her and maybe even go for another round.
But it was more than that.
When she'd told him why she'd dyed her hair blue and put a ring in her brow, it had resonated with him. He had been at the mercy of another only once, and it hadn't been for long, but he had never forgotten how it had felt to be helpless.
Maybe he, too, should dye his hair some crazy color. Purple would look good on him. Or maybe bright red?
Regrettably, piercings were out of the question for immortals except for the fake ones that only looked like piercings and were held by a magnet. But those were for kids and posers, and he was neither.
Excitement thrumming in her chest, Marina removed her apron and added it to the laundry cart with all the linen collected from the dining room.
Mila eyed her with a knowing look as she dropped her own apron into the cart. "Are you going to indulge that immortal tonight?"
It was nobody's business who she spent the night with, but it irked Marina that Mila thought she was doing so under duress the way it had been in the Kra-ell compound.
"I'm going to indulge myself." She waggled her brows suggestively. "Have you seen the size of his shoulders?"
Not to mention that face, that mischievous look in those dark eyes, and the goatee that made him look devilishly handsome and a little dangerous. Peter was sex on a stick, and he also seemed like a nice guy.
Was he too good to be true?
Yeah, probably.
He was an immortal, and she knew nothing about their sexual practices. The rumor was that they were like human males, only better, but she didn't know what the rumor was based on. So far, none of the humans had admitted to having been with one of them. Well, other than Sofia, but she was part Kra-ell, and she had moved with her boyfriend to the village. Still, she might have been the source of those rumors.
As far as Marina knew, Sofia had never shared a Kra-ell's bed, so even if she was the one who had supplied those flattering rumors about the immortals' sexual prowess, she could only compare her lover to a human man and not the Kra-ell.
Losing her virginity to a Kra-ell had trained Marina to enjoy the sharper edge of sexual pleasure, so even if Peter was more like the Kra-ell males than humans, but not too much so, she would probably like being with him more than she'd enjoyed being with Nicolai.
That would be more than welcome. Having an amazing new lover was the best way to get rid of the specter of the old one.
A throaty laughter shook Mila's ample bosom. "I have to admit that these immortals are much nicer to look at than the Kra-ell." She sighed, and the smile slid off her face. "Be careful, Marina. You might think that you are just having fun tonight, but once the line is crossed, there is no going back. There are many single males on this cruise, and they are a lustful bunch. Others might get the idea that we are free for the taking, and things could get ugly. I don't want us to go back to the way it was with the Kra-ell."
"These immortals are nothing like the Kra-ell. They treat us with respect, and they don't expect us to serve them unless they pay us proper wages for our work."
"I'm talking sexually, Marina."
"They don't expect us to share their beds unless it's our choice, and they are also not as rough."
"And you know that how?"