Page 44 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
"I kissed Peter, and he was very gentle with me." Too gentle. She hoped he would loosen up tonight.
Mila pursed her lips. "One kiss is not enough to judge."
"I'll tell you tomorrow how it was." Marina patted Mila's fleshy forearm. "If my experience is good, perhaps you can snag yourself an immortal lover as well."
Mila laughed again. "I'm too old for these immortals to look at with desire in their eyes. Those days are behind me. But even if they are wonderful lovers, don't fool yourself, expecting more than a night or two of pleasure with this Peter or any of the others. If you are smart, you will forget about these immortals and choose a nice boy to marry and have children with."
"I've tried that, but as you know, it didn't work." She gave Mila one last smile. "I'll see you tomorrow at lunch."
Thankfully, she wasn't on the breakfast roster, so she could afford a sleepless night.
It was nearly four in the morning, and Peter had been waiting for over two hours for her, but she didn't intend to head straight to his cabin as he'd suggested.
Her hair and her clothing smelled of cooking and cleaning materials, and even though he had promised her a bath, she didn't want to show up smelling and disheveled for their first time together, or what might be their only time if she disappointed Peter.
Marina really liked him and would have spent the night with him even if she didn't have an ulterior motive, but her plan was to have him like her enough to invite her to live with him.
It was an ambitious plan, and it might not work, but she desperately needed a change, and the village was her only option.
Nicolai was done with his studies and had settled into life at Safe Haven, making her life miserable every time he'd shown up in the staff dining hall with the fiancée that he had brought with him from the university. It wasn't that she still loved him, but he'd hurt her, and seeing him with another woman while she was lonely was like throwing salt in an open wound.
Marina opened the door to her small cabin as quietly as she could, careful not to wake up Alina, who had the morning shift, and tiptoed to the tiny bathroom.
There wasn't time to properly condition her hair and style it, and she knew it would be a frizzy mess the next morning, but she didn't want to make Peter wait any longer than necessary. Gathering it into a tight bun, she secured it with a couple of hairpins and examined her pale face in the mirror.
She was still attractive despite the age showing on her face, but she was a little washed out, and makeup was a necessity even though she was going to bed.
Some lip gloss, a blue liquid eyeliner, and a few strokes with a brown eyebrow pencil took at least five years off her face. A pair of low-cut leggings and a flirty blouse with short puff sleeves that left her midriff exposed made her confident enough to face the immortal, who was physically perfect in every way.
It was after four in the morning when Peter heard the front door to the cabin open.
Jay was already asleep when he entered the cabin earlier, and the door to his bedroom was closed, so he hadn't been able to warn him that he was expecting a visitor.
What if the door opening woke Jay up, and he thought that Marina was an intruder?
What if she couldn't see his open door and opted to go to Jay's bedroom?
The drapes were drawn closed, so not even moonlight could filter through, and the light he had left in his bathroom was enough for him to see clearly, but not for Marina.
Risking scaring her, Peter jumped out of bed and leaped into the living room. "Over here," he whispered.
Her hand flew to her chest. "You scared me," she whispered back. "It's so dark in here. I can't see anything."
As she took a step toward him, he closed the rest of the distance between them and lifted her into his arms. "I see perfectly well in the dark."
Marina smelled freshly showered so he could skip the bath he had promised her. There was always the next time and the time after that. With her, he didn't need to limit himself to just one night, and he didn't plan to.
Her fingers splayed over his bare chest for a brief moment, and she sucked in a breath. "I imagined how you looked without clothes, but the reality of you is so much better."
He never wore clothes to bed, and the only reason he had pants on was because he didn't want to jump her as soon as she came in.
"I'm glad you like what you can't see." He cupped her bottom.
"I see with my hands." She wrapped her legs around his torso and lifted her arms to his neck. "I want you," she whispered.