Page 42 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
"Don't," she hissed. "You're embarrassing me."
Now, that was rich coming from her after she'd accused him of being embarrassed about her spending the night with him.
He leaned to whisper back. "Are you afraid your people will find out about us?"
She stopped collecting dishes, took the plate he was holding, dropped it in the bin, and took his hand. "Come with me." She tugged him behind her out of the dining room.
When they were outside, she turned to him. "You are making everyone in there uncomfortable. They don't want their employers to help them clean up. They want the place devoid of immortals so they can joke and laugh and not worry about appearances."
He could understand that. "If you want me to leave, you'll have to give me something."
"A kiss. A good one."
A smile spread over her lovely face. "I can do that." She wound her arms around his neck. "Kiss me."
He shook his head. "Nope. I want you to do it and make sure it's a good one, or I'll go back in there and keep on helping."
A giggle escaped Marina's beautiful lips. "That's the worst blackmail I've ever heard, but fine." She lifted on her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
Cupping her bottom, he lifted her and urged her to wrap her legs around his middle. He then turned around and pressed her against the wall.
"We can do it right here," she whispered against his lips.
That was a scandalous suggestion, but his kink didn't include exhibitionism. "Tempting, but no." He nibbled lightly on her lower lip. "Our first time is going to be the whole nine yards and not a quickie against the wall."
She leaned away to look into his eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
That was an odd question. "Because I care about you."
"Why? We've just met, and you know nothing about me. What if I'm a horrible person?"
"You are not." He gave her bottom a squeeze. "And I know a lot about you. Probably more than any human male you will ever meet will get to know, and that's even if you spend the rest of your life with him."
Marina closed her eyes. "That's true. But it's also true that there is a lot you don't know about me."
He pretended to frown. "Are you really horrible?"
"No. I don't think so."
"Then that's settled." He transferred her weight to one hand to free the other and cupped the back of her neck. "Let me take care of you, Marina." He dipped his head and nuzzled the curve of her throat, then pressed a kiss to her wildly beating pulse. "Don't be afraid of me. My only wish is to give you pleasure."
"I'm not afraid." She lifted her hands and cupped his face. "I'm excited." She kissed him, and as he parted his lips, she swept her tongue into his mouth, and he let her even though his fangs were starting to elongate.
He allowed her to explore his mouth for a few seconds and then took over the kiss. She melted against him, her lips soft and pliable, her tongue dueling gently with his. He then coaxed her to taste him again, enjoying the freedom of letting her explore.
"Marina!" someone called from the door to the dining room. "Gde ty?"
The lights in the corridor had been dimmed, and they were standing in an alcove that wasn't visible from the door, so there was no chance that the human looking for Marina could see them.
She looked dazed when she drew back. Her lips swollen from his attention, she groaned quietly. "Ya budu tam cherez minutu," she called out. Resting her forehead on his, she let out a breath. "I have to go."
He kissed her eyelids, planted one last soft kiss on her lips, and then, reluctantly, let her slide down his body. "Take this." He put a keycard in her hand. "I'm in cabin 305. Let yourself in."
She looked at the card and then lifted her eyes to him. "You trust me with this?"
He smiled. "I'm trusting you with my body and soul. The key is meaningless."