Page 35 of Callum
"You get on my last nerves, and on my way here, I thought of ways to light into you. I saved up my temper and intended to tell you to go to hell."
"I sort of figured you would." He poured the wine, a slightly sweet golden liquid from his own Tuscany vineyard. "Hence the extra effort to apologize."
"Is that what this is?" Her eyes were luminous as she took the wine and had a sip, her eyes widening. "oh."
"Like it?"
"It's- " She took another sip in appreciation. "It's wonderful. What is it?"
"Gold Leaf. It's from my vineyard. This is just the first bottle sent to me a few days ago."
"I love it."
He nodded, a pleased look on his handsome face.
"All of this makes me regret not showering and putting on something more appropriate."
"You are lovely."
She glanced down at the thick baby blue sweater and black leggings with a grimace. Her hair was loose around her face, and she had not bothered to wear regular makeup after taking off her stage makeup. "Yeah, right."
"I am serious." Taking her hand in his, he smoothed out the long fingers, admiring their elegance. "You are naturally beautiful, and that was the first thing I noticed when I first saw you. You have a glow about you, Lynn, which is not evident in most women."
"It could be that I am usually fired up about something."
His smile came as he lifted her hand to his lips. "You are passionate about things."
"I can be."
"You are involved with several charities."
"The homeless shelters downtown. You were there on Christmas Eve."
"We all were. It's a joint effort. Jack might be a pain in the ass and very nosy about it, but he cares about what happens to less fortunate people. I need my hand to eat."
Kissing it again, he removed his and picked up his wine glass. She intrigued him on so many levels. Her dark brown eyes were alight with life and a zeal for living. She was not coy, which was something else he liked about her. She had no hidden agenda, was not intimidated by him, or thought she had to impress him.
"You are also involved in several children's homes."
She nodded as she resumed eating. "It's heartbreaking to see how many children are abandoned or whose parents have died and they have nowhere to go.
We started a toy drive, a coat drive, a fill-up pantry drive, that sort of thing. One monthly performance is geared towards making money to school these kids, and the response has been overwhelming."
"I want a child with you."
The sudden statement had her staring at him in shock. "Excuse me?" She squeaked.
A smile touched his lips as his eyes settled on hers. "That got your attention."
"I must not be hearing right."
"It would not be right now because I am selfish enough to want to keep you to myself for a bit. But a year, perhaps two. I am thirty-five and want a child -" He shook his head. "This is the first time I have ever contemplated being a parent. Not until I met you."
"Callum-" She took a deep breath. "We just met."
"I am willing to wait for a bit," He repeated. "But eventually- As you have noticed, we are not using anything. Are you?"