Page 34 of Callum
"And I want to concentrate on the play. Just-" She waved a hand. "Just tell them whatever you want to."
"Is there a marriage proposal in the mix?"
She laughed at that, a genuine one that loosened the tension in her belly. "You are a funny guy. We just met."
"And yet you are practically living together."
"Go away, Jack." She waited until he had left to let out a silent scream.
"I am not in the mood to talk." She told him as soon as she stepped into the foyer and shrugged out of her coat.
"All right." Taking the coat from her, he put it away and was careful not to touch her even though he wanted to. "You are late - not that I am complaining," he added hastily when she blasted him with a look. "I was beginning to worry."
"You are not my damn mother." Brushing past him, she marched through the living room and up the stairs.
"I am entitled to be worried. I called you several times."
"I chose to ignore that. What-" She broke off as he clamped a hand on her arm and turned her to face him, just outside the bedroom door.
"You could have been involved in an accident."
"And I am sure you would have heard about it."
"I understand you are angry, but do not ignore my calls. Is that understood?"
Her eyes flared. She had been bombarded by a tenacious reporter, who followed her halfway to his loft until she managed to shake him. Not to mention that rehearsal had been plaguedwith one misfortune after another. She was tired and hungry and very close to tears.
"Anything else?" Her voice was dangerously near to breaking.
"What's wrong?" He sensed the tension inside her and lowered his voice.
"Oh, nothing much. Other than the fact that I was asked a million questions about the status of our relationship and had several of your high-powered women thrown in my face, what the hell could be wrong?"
"I am sorry." Releasing her arm, he cupped her face gently. "I asked the PR department to put a statement out."
"I saw it." She huffed out a breath. "I guess I am just tired and hungry."
"I can take care of that." Bending his head, he brushed his lips against hers. "Why don't we go and get something to eat?"
She nodded and took the opportunity to lean into him for a bit. "Okay, I am fine."
He led her through the sitting room and the vast bedroom to the patio, where the enclosure offered warmth and a view of the loft's wooded area.
The remnants of snow were still dripping from the leaves of the palm trees and clinging to the brushes. A wrought iron table nestled into one corner was covered with a white tablecloth and candles that made everything look romantic.
"Sit." He nudged her into a chair before removing the silver domes to reveal a meal fit for a queen.
"You did all this." Her voice was husky with emotions.
"My housekeeper did most of the planning and arranging." He rubbed her shoulders gently before taking his seat. "I figured you would be slightly annoyed, and I wanted to soothe things over." Taking up her plate, he spooned thin, savory beef and asparagus.
"Thanks." She felt overwhelmed that this powerful man, whose business spans several countries, would consider her feelings. Her day had been crappy, but coming home to him, to this, made it special.
"What is it?" He handed her the plate.