Page 112 of Fierce Obsession
I should. I should just tell her exactly what happened. But… There’s something to be gained here. Something I want just as much as she probably wants to find out the truth from me. So I say, “Not until you let me read your manuscript, sunshine.”
Her brows furrow. “You’ve never wanted to read anything of mine.”
“You wrote aboutus,” I point out. “That’s different. And I had Melody read your book. She told me about it.”
Aurora glares at me. “No, she didn’t.”
No, she really didn’t. She gave me her thoughts on the matter, but it wasn’t a play-by-play. Although judging from her face, maybe I should’ve asked Melody for more details… or just read the damn book myself.
Okay, adding that to my to-do list. Even if I just skim.
I’ll probably skim.
“Maybe I don’t want to know that badly,” she says, her tone dismissive. “I’ll figure it out on my own.”
“I’m exploring that part of my life through writing. I’ll get to it, and I’ll put it together with or without you.”
I wince. But I’m nodding along. It’s true—it’s right there for her to figure out. Someone in her life betrayed us, and when it comes to light…
She doesn’t back away when I approach. I tug at her wrist, uncrossing her arms, and lace my fingers with hers.
“It’ll be okay, Sunny. Promise.”
She looks away. “Maybe not, Knox. Otherwise you would’ve told me already.”
“Either way, I’ll be here to put our pieces back together.”
Ithink about the proposal.
And think about it.
And think about it.
But the more I think, the less my thoughts make sense.
Because for one—I shouldn’t want to marry him. We kissed a few times, he’s been a hopeless flirt for years (since I hit puberty, when my breasts came in and the braces came off), but… hockey stands between us.
The fact that he can play, and my parents insist on wrapping me in cotton.
I join Beth in the stands, bumping my shoulder into hers. “Anything exciting happen?”
“They do some funky stretching.” She wrinkles her nose. “It’s like, erotic and uncomfortable at the same time. Why are they miming fucking the ice?”
I snort. “Jesus, Beth.”
“Well…” She sighs. “It made me feel something I didn’t think I’d feel in a cold arena, surrounded by sweaty yelling parents and students.”
I elbow her.