Page 111 of Fierce Obsession
“Ugh,” she groans.
“Come on, Sunny.” I lick her cheek, and she squeals. “We’ve got things to do. People to meet. Plans to scheme.”
Sunny and I shower and get dressed with no shenanigans. Okay, some shenanigans. Like feeling her up when she’s trying to get her bra on, and slapping her ass on the way out the door, and just reveling in touching her without guilt. And kissing her breathless in the elevator.
Greyson and Steele stuck around after the game, along with Miles. And Jacob, obviously, isn’t going anywhere. She had apparently challenged them to some on-ice competition, which I put an end to with a firm glare. So we settle for breakfast instead.
I leave Aurora with the girls at the table, trusting that they’ll probably talk shit about me. Or at least help her cope with whathappened last night. Maybe they’ll share virgin stories. I would kind of want to eavesdrop on that, though.
But away from the girls, and in a fashion that’s apparently veryme, I explain everything to the guys. While I finish telling them about the mind-fuck of last night, Miles glowers at me, and the rest just sort of seem to be in shock. Maybe. It’s hard to tell, because they’re trading glances and looking back at me, and their eyebrows are raised.
“What?” I shrug.
“Is that why you went after Willow?” Miles demands. “Because you thought I slept with Aurora?”
“Well…” I fold my arms over my chest. “Presumably.”
“Okay,” Greyson interjects. “Okay. So, she proved you wrong.”
I nod. “Yeah, and now I’m going to kill someone.”
“Someone,” Jacob echoes. “You know killingsomeonewithout a plan is not a great idea. Just ask Miles. Or Willow.”
That’s true.
“So, big brother, why don’t you tell us what made you think I fucked her?”
I wince. Miles seems pissed, and I understand that it’s dragging up a lot of shit that we’ve spent the last few years trying to put behind us. I mean, he’s engaged to Willow, for fuck’s sake! That’s got to count for something.
I didn’t do any lasting damage to her. Or them.
“Well…” I hedge. “I saw you, drew some conclusions, and then it was confirmed.”
“By the someone you want to murder.”
“Yes.” I nod vigorously. “Yes, they need to go.”
“Meanwhile, you’re involved in betting fraud? Game rigging?” Greyson asks.
“I would not say I’m involved,” I point out. “I just, you know, sort of ended up needing to throw a game or two in whatever direction they say. Because they attacked her. If they do that for one fuck-up, what would they do next time?”
“Who’s the someone?” Aurora asks.
I stiffen and slowly turn around. She’s the last person I wanted to overhear this conversation. But she’s leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She looks put together, whereas I feel frazzled. Coming apart at the seams.
“I didn’t mean for you to hear that.” I come at her with my hands out. I don’t know whether to grab her or surrender. “It’s no one.”
“No.” She shakes her head at me. “No, it’s not no one. You wouldn’t believe just anyone, would you?”
“We’ll give you a minute,” Greyson mutters, slapping my shoulder.
He leads the guys out, past Aurora without so much as brushing her sleeve, but I barely spare them a second glance.
“Knox, be honest with me. For once.”