Page 21 of Deacon
Shaking his head, he pushed away from his desk, his mind in turmoil as he reached for his jacket.
"Where is the fire?" David demanded the minute he strode into the kitchen.
"I am having brandy. This occasion calls for it. You are a cop, so nothing is wrong if you have one with me. I hate drinking alone." She whirled to get another glass and poured the liquid before handing it to him.
"What's wrong?" Ignoring the glass, he frowned as he stared at her.
"Oh, nothing." She was trying not to dissolve into tears. "Just the small matter of losing my job."
"What do you mean by that? They fired you?" Coming around the counter, he spun her towards him. "Why the hell would they do that?"
"It's entirely my fault." She leaned into him and closed her eyes.
"You are not making sense."
Lifting her head, she told him. "I went to see Deacon Manchester." She told him the man had cut off the international book fairs and other expenses.
"I went there armed with reports to show him the need for those fairs, and when he refused to listen, I cursed him out. I called him a corporate bully and accused him of sitting there and playing with people's lives."
"Oh, Christ!" David groaned. Pulling up a stool, he sat facing her and took her hands. "I always knew your mouth would get you in trouble one day. I hate that I was right. Honey, what were you thinking?"
"I could go back and plead temporary insanity."
"What did he say?"
"He told me coldly to leave before I was in more trouble."
"Did he actually say the words: 'you are fired'?"
"No, but it was implied. Oh, David, what the hell am I going to do?"
"You are going to calm down and not jump to any conclusions. The man might admire you for speaking out."
She stared at him askance. "Do you believe that?"
He shrugged. "I have no idea what I believe. That place needs you."
"I have offers from other publishing houses, ones I have refused. Perhaps I should see if they are still looking. It might mean drawing a lesser salary and starting all over, but I can do that."
"Stop it." He shook her slightly. "You are going to go back to work tomorrow as if nothing happened; this might not be the end of it. Surely, Jerry, or whatever his name is, would have called you by now. Has he called?"
"No." She took some relief from that. If Manchester was going to fire her, wouldn't he have called Jerry and had Jerry call her?
"Then there you go." Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead. "And telling the guy off might just be the kick in the pants he needed. You are brave and strong and no-nonsense, one of the qualities I love. Stop second-guessing yourself, and as you said, if he fires you, you have options."
"You are right. It's just that I love that place."
He squeezed her hands. "You will get by. Have you eaten?"
She stared at the drink in surprise. "No, I was too upset."
"I am ordering Chinese," He announced.
Chapter 6
She dressed carefully in a black pantsuit and a rose-colored inside blouse. With her hair scraped ruthlessly back from her face, she went in early. If she was going to be fired, it was best to dress as if she did not give a damn.