Page 20 of Deacon
Delores took a breath and refused to be offended that he had not bothered to give her an acknowledgment. She had been impressed by the towering glass and stone building and even more so by the luxurious interior.
His office was elegant and stark, the baronial desk dominating the room. A massive fireplace was tucked into one corner of the room, and she identified the painting hanging over it as a Jackson Colby original. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a stunning view of the city where lights were already blazing.
"You have ten minutes." The deep voice had her swiveling around and connecting with the hard glint of his silver eyes.
"I brought some reports for you to go over-."
"You could have sent them to me."
"Of course, but I wanted to appeal to your sense of business and prove why we need these international book fairs."
"The publishing house has been losing money for the past five years." His tone was implacable, telling her he was unprepared to listen to reason. "I have a business to run, and getting profits out of the various enterprises is what this is all about."
"If you would allow me to explain-"
"I have already seen the reports, Ms. Pennant; there is nothing-"
"Will you stop interrupting me? I am trying to explain to you that without the international book fairs, you will not have any damn profit to make."
After her impassioned speech, she did not know who was more surprised at the outburst, and the silence following it was ponderous.
His expression did not change or give her any indication of whether or not he was offended or shocked that she would dare to speak to him like that. Leaning back against his leather chair, he continued to stare at her.
"Look, I am not going to apologize for flying off the handle like that, but I am pissed. You are tying my hands here. I am the editor in charge and am very good at my job.
These international fairs drum up a lot of business - where we get recognized- where we wheel and deal with distributors, other publishers, and movie makers. You are not in the publishing business, so you would not know. I-"
"What I do know is what I have read from the reports, Ms. Pennant," His deep voice was cold and distant, sending shivers all over her body. "I am not running a charity here; it will take a vast injection of capital to get where I want it. I have no intention of spending what is not needed."
"If you would just give me a chance-"
"Your ten minutes is almost up." He pointed out coldly.
Rising to her feet, she decided that she did not give a flying damn if he fired her. She had come here to have her say, and she would say it. "You are a fricking bully." Her dark brown eyes glowed with a golden light as she faced him.
"You, with your load of money and power, think you can swoop in and dictate terms. I am the one working my ass off - I cater to spoiled and unconscionable authors, take shit from them, wine and dine them and stroke their fragile egos to get them to sign with us.
You sit behind your massive desk and play God with people's feelings. Well, to hell with you, Mr. Manchester! I am trying to make you see what is important, and you are not listening."
She stood there glaring at him, and to his profound surprise, he felt the vicious punch of lust vying with the rage at her tongue lashing.
She was magnificent, he had to admit reluctantly. Her hair was pinned back from her face, exposing the sculpted cheekbones and the lush bottom lip.
Her eyes were between dark brown and gold, and her skin was a perfect caramel. She was standing there, breathing hard, which caused her small breasts to press against her clothing, and he could not help but notice them.
Lifting his eyes to her face, he schooled his expression and ignored the press of desire inside his body.
"Are you finished?" He asked her coldly.
"Then I suggest you leave before you dig deeper than you already have."
He saw her struggle for control and admired the lift of her small chin as she stared at him. Without another word, she gathered her things and left his office, slamming the doors shut behind her.
He remained there for a few minutes, staring at the closed door, a frown touching his brow. She had fire and was not intimidated by him. That was a first. Grown men trembled when he spoke, and he had seen business owners fold and give in as soon as he walked into a room.
She had given him a piece of her mind and not even apologized. He had wanted to leave his desk and march over to haul her into his arms. The lust had been so powerful that it had taken him several minutes to get himself under control.