Page 325 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
She had a date, and it sounded like something out of a G-rated Disney flick. Until I remembered what she’d said to Tessie.
Ariana had never gone to the movie theater before.
I’d love to go sometime. With someone special and as cool as you.
She could have been lying to Tessie, but I doubted it. Which meant she thought whoever she had plans with was special.
I took a step back, releasing her from my hold and almost regretting the fact that, other than her hair and shoulder, I hadn’t taken the opportunity to touch her.
“He did you a favor by ditching you. The 24-hour theater is where fifteen-year-old boys go to get laid when their parents are home and they can’t afford a hotel room. Did you choose the place or did he?” I paused, and a rude laugh slipped past my lips with ease. “Are you sure he’s eighteen?”
She scowled, turned to face me, and opened her mouth to respond, but I cut her off.
“That was rhetorical. I don’t actually give a shit.” I took another step back, finally an appropriate distance from her. “I have better things to do with my night.”
I didn’t.
It was four in the morning, and all the hottest models were probably long gone from Rogue by now. If I left L’Oscurità, I’d be alone with nothing to do.
But I sure as hell didn’t want to go back into the office, and if I stayed in this narrow hallway with Ariana any longer, I would probably end up balls deep inside her.
Hell, her nipples were still hard and poking out of her dress. She could pretend to hate me all she wanted, but I knew she craved me.
Which was why I also knew this conversation had to end.
But when I was halfway to the door, she called out, “Wait.”
And because I didn’t actually want to be alone, I did.
This was a mistake.
Everything about this situation was a mistake.
Going undercover with my real name.
Leaving Bianchi with Giovanni and Vincent Romano.
Being alone with Bastian.
But it was the hand I had been dealt, and I needed to make the best of it. And that meant keeping Bastian here, so I had an excuse to keep an eye on Bianchi’s safety.
Or maybe I’d get lucky and witness an after-hours crime I could testify to seeing.
Either way, my plan depended on Bastian staying.
Bastian, who had just been delivering Bianchi’s suffering.
Bastian, who was perhaps the most unpleasant person I had ever met.
Bastian, who couldn’t care less about keeping me company.
Bastian, who I was way too attracted to for my own good.
He turned to me, a sheen of curiosity coating his eyes. “Well?”