Page 324 of The Anti-Heroes Collection
“What are you still doing here?”
Even though I’d been absent while dealing with my best man duties the past week, I knew the employee schedule like the back of my hand, and almost an hour had passed since she’d been scheduled to get off work.
My only employee with the habit of staying late was Dana, and my glance at the surveillance cameras had already told me the leech was long gone.
Ariana, on the other hand?
Her body begged me to take her. To lift her dress, pull her panties to the side, tug on her ponytail, and sink my teeth into her neck as I buried my cock inside her soaking wet pussy.
Yet, she didn’t strike me as the type to stalk the men she was attracted to—and I had no doubt she was attracted to me.
The sexual tension simmering between us burned hotter than a volcanic eruption on the sun.
Once upon a time, I’d been prepared to propose to a woman with whom I’d thought I had incomparable sexual chemistry.
I was starting to realize that comparing Ariana to Elsa was like comparing a stove fire to a forest fire.
Elsa was the flickering flame above the stove; Ariana was the blazing inferno that consumed the forest, chased predators from their home, and rained ashes down from the sky.
But our chemistry—the need for us to touch one another—couldn’t be why she stayed late.
Which led me to why I left for the hallway in the first place—to figure out why the hell she was still here.
Her reasons were most likely innocent, but I wasn’t one to assume. One wrong move, and I could hurt a lot of people.
I had my family to think about.
I considered my options.
I could ask nicely, but that never got shit done.
I could keep an eye on her, but between my standard deep background check, Gio investigating her last name, and my attraction to her, I was already doing that.
I settled on asking impolitely, catching her off guard, and using my body to lure an honest answer from her.
I looped a finger around a lock of her hair—successfully taking her off guard—and tugged gently.
She shuddered under my touch, and I relished in the power I held over her.
I should have stepped back. She was my employee, and I needed it to stay that way until I could find a replacement.
Plus, until I fired her, this was a human resources disaster just waiting to happen, and despite the fact that he could afford one, I doubted Asher would appreciate a lawsuit.
But it had been a long day, and I was sick of holding myself back for everyone.
And I wasn’t above using my body to fluster her.
“I think I was stood up.”
“You think?” I didn’t bother smothering my amused smirk.
“He was supposed to pick me up and take me to the movies, but it’s almost four, and he’s not here.”
My amusement waned.