Page 98 of Irresistible Love
“Thank you all for coming tonight!” he said happily. “Coming to Charlotte is a big deal for me because this is where my big brother lives!”
The crowd went wild and Lily cheered the loudest.
“Family is important,” Simon went on. “My brothers and I are very close, but we’re all very different. I sing, Jax throws a ball, and Noah’s the numbers guy.” Pausing, he chuckled. “And we’re all lucky to have him because he manages all my numbers and makes sure I’m being responsible!”
More cheering and laughter.
“Noah’s the rock of our family. He stepped up when our dad took off and he’s the most selfless guy I know. He rarely asks anyone for anything, so when he does? I take that very seriously.” He smiled down at where they were seated and gave a curt nod. “So tonight, my big brother asked me for one thing…it was a rather large request…but I’m happy to do it. You ready, Noah?”
He nodded and Lily looked at him in total confusion.
Out of nowhere, a mic appeared and he swore this was the most nerve-racking moment of his entire life.
Here we go…
Turning, he faced Lily, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see they were also up on the giant screens all over the arena. “The day we met, I remember being totally blown away by how beautiful you were,” he began. “I had no idea that you basically wanted to strangle me.”
Everyone laughed, including Lily.
“I felt a connection to you that I’d never felt before, but…it wasn’t our time yet. Hell, I wasn’t sure if it would ever be our time.” He paused. “Some people say we should wait, but when you’ve found your forever person, you just know.”
Her smile was radiant and he could seriously feel the love there.
“I love you and…and every day, I think about the future. Our future. I’m a planner by nature and all I know is that no matter what lies ahead, I want you there with me.” He dropped to one knee and carefully pulled the ring out of his pocket, the one he held up to her. “Be my forever, Lily. Be my light, my love, my laughter, my tears…my everything. Will you marry me?”
“Oh my God,” she mouthed. “Yes!”
And then she was in his arms, someone took the mic, and the noise level in the arena should have blown the roof off. He kissed her with everything he had and felt happier than he ever had in his entire life.
“Now that’s how you do it, guys!” Simon called out. “And now, in honor of this momentous event, I’d like to end the night with a song my brother tells me is his favorite.” He paused and waited for Noah and Lily to stop kissing.
And waited.
And waited.
Clearing his voice loudly, he said, “Congratulations, Noah and Lily!” before launching intoStill of the Night.
It was a much more public proposal than he thought he’d ever do, but it was perfect for them.
Everything after that was a bit of a blur, but it was alright. The coming weeks were going to be rough for Lily, so he wanted to give her a big night to help her get through her recovery.
Later that night, when they were curled up together in bed, she whispered, “Thank you.”
“For what?” he asked quietly, kissing her forehead.
“You did something so out of character tonight…never in a million years would I have imagined you proposing in the middle of a Simon Bennett concert.”
He chuckled. “Technically, it was the end, but…” he sighed. “I hope you’re not disappointed.”
Now she lifted her head. “Why would I be?”
“It’s only been two weeks since we got back together. I don’t want to rush you or put you in a position where you were too embarrassed to say no…”
“Oh my God,” she groaned with a laugh. “Do you even hear yourself? Noah, if it were up to me, we’d be on a plane to Vegas right now to get married! I don’t want a long engagement!” Then she paused. “Although…I would like to be able to dance at our wedding, so I need to get through this surgery first.”
He smiled. “When you’re fully recovered, we’ll set a date. And if you want to get on a plane for Vegas, then that’s what we’ll do.”
“As much as I would love that, I have a feeling that’s when an angry crowd of Montgomerys would come after you,” she teased. “But…now I have something to focus on during my recovery, so…thank you.”
“No need to thank me, beautiful girl. I love you and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.” He held her close and wished her a good night, knowing tomorrow was going to be just as wild when word got out of their engagement.
For the quietest Wylder brother, he was pretty impressed with himself right now. Maybe there was hope for him yet.