Page 97 of Irresistible Love
She hesitated. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m a failure.” Her voice was so soft that he almost didn’t hear her.
“You? Never. Everyone is in awe of you and just because you’re not on Broadway or dancing in the middle of a major stadium won’t make them think any less of you. And do you know why?”
She shook her head.
“Because they love you and just want you to be happy.”
Silently, she shook her head before asking, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What’s next for you?”
Noah took a moment to get a little more comfortable. “For now, I’m staying with Montgomerys. Your father and I talked and things are good.”
Her eyes went wide. “Seriously?”
“Yup. But I might branch out on my own down the road. I’m a little structured and like the safety of the world I’ve created for myself. I know you’re used to a more exciting kind of guy who likes to take risks…”
In the blink of an eye, she was in his lap. “None of them were serious, Noah. I never wanted to stay with anyone like that. It was a way to rebel a bit. I had no idea what it was like to genuinely connect with someone until you.” Her hand caressed his jaw. “And for a guy who claims he doesn’t like to take risks, you took a big one by dating the boss’s daughter.”
That made him laugh. “Technically, you’re the boss’s daughter, granddaughter, and niece. I could easily have an army of Montgomerys ready to kick my ass.”
She laughed with him. “But they won’t because you’re an amazing guy who they all know is way more levelheaded than I ever was.” Resting her head on his shoulder, she asked, “I just don’t want this to be weird for you—you know, with being involved with me and working for my family. That’s a lot of pressure. What if things don’t work out?”
Tilting her head up, he looked down at her face. “Don’t work out? Lily Montgomery, you are it for me. I was drawn to you three years ago, and that never went away, even when it really should have. When I saw you again, I struggled with how much I wanted you. You’re irresistible to me. Always.” He placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “I know it’s too soon to talk about forever, but…you’re my forever. I love you.”
“That’s good, Noah Wylder, because you’re irresistible to me too,” she whispered. “And I want forever with you because I love you so much.”
This time the kiss was mutual and neither wanted it to end.
Noah stood with her in his arms and carried her back into the room, gently placing her on the bed.
Forever was starting right now and he couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow was going to bring, because as long as he had Lily beside him, he felt like he could take on just about anything.
“Oh my God!I cannot believe you got us all tickets for this!” Lily said excitedly. They were in the VIP section for Noah’s brother’s concert, surrounded by her sisters, her mother, two of her aunts, and three of her cousins.
The amount of screaming and hugging that had been happening was borderline insanity.
Still, he loved this girl and was excited to share this night with her.
And her family.
Maybe a little less family, but hey, it was going to be a great night. After the show, he was going to bring them all backstage to meet Simon, and then he and Lily were going to travel to the next two stops on the tour with him. It was going to be a great way for her to meet his mother—something he wanted to do sooner, but life was moving pretty fast right now.
After coming home from Miami, Lily made the decision to have the surgery. This little jaunt with Simon was her last hurrah before having it done. There had been multiple doctors’ visits, some second-guessing, and some tears, but ultimately, she was going to do this. She moved back in with her parents, a temporary solution to help with her recovery. Once she was better, they were going to look for a place together. His condo was fine, but they talked about it and wanted something that would truly be theirs.
The arena lights dimmed, and the cheering and screaming was almost deafening. And then Simon walked out on the stage and, if anything, it got even louder.
Noah smiled with pride because that was his little brother up there making thousands of people go wild. He had no idea what that must feel like, and he was more than happy to stand back and watch Simon do his thing. He sang, he spoke to the audience, and it seemed like everything he did created an enormous reaction. All around him, people sang along—including Lily and everyone she brought with them—and Noah had to admit, he sang along a few times as well.
Simon sang his last note and waved to the crowd before heading off stage. Lily looked over and asked, “Does he come back for an encore?”
“Sure does!” he said, eager for that himself. Three minutes later, his brother sauntered back onto the stage and smiled as he took his place in the center with his mic.