Page 228 of Playing for Keeps
"It's not a dream, princess." Kris runs his lips across my forehead and then down both cheeks. "You're wide awake."
"How did this happen? The doctor told me I wouldn't be able to have kids!"
"Well, when a man and a woman—"
I poke him in the stomach.
He chuckles, smirking at me. "A lot of cancer patients are able to have kids after chemo or radiation. The same goes for your medications. Nothing is ever set in stone, Kelsey."
"The baby is healthy?" I ask, the only question that really matters. Well, one of the only questions. I have about ninety more. "What about my medications? I've been taking them the whole time. Did I hurt the baby? Oh, God, Kris. What if I hurt the baby?"
"Breathe,elskan mín."
I suck in a deep breath, and then exhale it in a rush. "I'm so worried!"
"The baby is healthy." He narrows his eyes on me. "Aside from the fact that you're dehydrated, haven't been eating enough, and need a lot more sleep, so are you. They're waiting for more test results, but your numbers look good so far."
Relief courses through me, so profoundly it takes my breath away.
"That doesn't mean this is going to be easy, though, princess," Kris says gently. "This pregnancy is going to be tough on you. You'll have to come off of a lot of your medications and slow down a lot."
"But the baby…?"
"The doctor is optimistic. The baby is strong."
I blink away tears. "I'll do whatever it takes. I won't do anything to put our baby at risk, Kris. Had I known…"
"Don't," he growls with a sharp shake of his head. "You've spent most of your life believing you couldn't have kids. You've spentyearsmourning that fact. Don't beat yourself up because you didn't know. We know now. That's what matters."
"I'm pregnant." I marvel at the words. At the fact that they're not just words but reality. There's a little life growing inside of me right now. It's part me and part Kris, created in theconference room of the arena where we first met two years ago. Created in love.
My eyes fill with tears all over again. This isn't a half-life. This is so much better than that. This is…well, this is as close to perfection as I've ever come. Closer, even.
I frown as a thought occurs. "Who won the game tonight?"
"We did." Kris grins at me. "Well, the team did. I was here."
My face falls. "You left?"
"I went where I was needed most." He brushes his lips against my forehead again. "I told you, princess. I'm not leaving. Not now, not ever. When you need me, I'm here. I don't give a fuck about anything else. You are what matters."
I melt into him. How can I be mad at that? There's no way any woman on this planet could be mad at that. He is who he is, and I love him exactly as he is. Even if he is bossy and overprotective.
"At least ease my mind by telling me Wes didn't beat Jay up while I was unconscious and you were here," I say, cuddling up against his chest. "I'd rather not have to deal with that PR nightmare when I go back to work."
"Nah, he didn't beat Jay up. And what do you mean when you go back to work? Your pretty little ass is going to be resting, Kelsey."
"I can work from home, Kris."
He heaves a sigh. "I'm only agreeing to this because there may be another PR nightmare that needs your attention."
"What happened?" I ask, pulling back to look at him.
"I threatened an EMT in front of the media," he says with a straight face.
I stare at him levelly.
"He was trying to keep me out of the ambulance. That didn't work for me."