Page 227 of Playing for Keeps
"Princess," I rasp, sliding from the chair to my knees beside the bed. "I'm right here."
"What happened?" she whispers.
"You fainted."
"Oh." She grimaces, reaching up to touch the bump on her head. "Is that why my head hurts?"
"Yeah. You bumped it when you fell." I carefully brush her hair back from her face. "How are you feeling?"
"Okay, I think." Her brows furrow as she takes stock. "Better, actually."
"That'd be the fluids." I nod toward the IV bag hanging over the bed. "You were dehydrated."
"I haven't been able to keep much down lately."
"How long?"
"A couple of weeks," she whispers.
I trace her bottom lip with my finger. "You'll have to eat more."
"I know." She yawns. "I've been trying to make myself eat, but I usually throw it right back up. It's kind of a pain. I like food."
"You'll like it twice as much now."
"I hope not." She smiles sleepily. "My hips may not approve of your plan, Kristján." Her gaze flits around the room before coming back to me. "What…um, what did they say?"
"That you need to eat twice as much."
"Kris, I'm serious."
"So am I. Scoot over."
She grumbles at me and then scoots back on the tiny bed, allowing me to crawl in with her. There's no room with both of us in the damn thing, but I don't care. I want to hold her. No, Ineedto hold her right now.
Once we're as comfortable as we're going to get, I drag my hand through her hair.
"You hear that?"
She listens for a minute, her head cocked to the side.
"What is it?"
"Your miracle, princess," I whisper, lacing our fingers together to cup her belly.
She frowns when she feels the band stretched across her abdomen, and then her eyes widen as realization dawns. "Kris," she breathes, her voice strangled. "Kris, are you…?"
"That sound is our baby's heartbeat, Kelsey. You aren't falling out of remission. You're pregnant, princess."
"Kris." Her expression crumbles.Shecrumbles, falling to pieces in my arms. A giant sob wracks her body.
I bury her face in my throat, holding her as the news sets in. She's having my baby.
Chapter Eleven
"If this is adream, I don't want to wake up," I whisper. If it's a dream, it's the strangest one I've ever had. Never in a million years did I think I'd want to be back in the hospital, in the hardest bed known to mankind. And yet…the gentle murmur of sound filling the room around us is magic. A kind I never thought I'd know.