Page 101 of Playing for Keeps
He shakes his head and turns to Kris. "Want to help me m-u-r-d-e-r Caleb tomorrow?" Even though Kris is retired, he still spends a lot of time around here because Kelsey is here.
"No can do," Kris says. "Kelsey has a thing."
"What thing?"
"A thing."
Gray purses his lips, debating if he wants to push for more. Before he can, I stand up from the bench, reaching for Carina. She jumps into my arms again and snuggles in. Gray's eyes go soft, his attention shifting from whatever Kris isn't telling him to me and our daughter.
Kris smiles at me, letting me know he's on to my game. But I know Kelsey isn't ready to tell everyone her news yet, and Gray can't keep a secret to save his life. They just slip out at random. Which is how the entire world found out I was pregnant with Ana before I even got to tell my mama. He's lucky she adores him or he'd still be in the doghouse for that one.
"Are you ready to take our girls home,querida?"
"Uh, yes. I've only been saying I'm sleepy for the last ten minutes!"
"No!" Carina cries, not ready to go home yet. She never is. If she and Ana could live at the arena, they would. They've spent so much time here since they were born, this place is a second home to them. They're going to miss it so much when Gray retires.
I will too. I have so many good memories in this arena. This is where I met Gray, where my life changed. So many of the best moments in our life have happened right here in this arena. But the great thing about memories is that only a part of them stays behind. The rest, you carry with you. Whether he's playing hockey with the Predators or working as a scientist, those moments will always be ours.Hewill always be ours. And I am so excited to see what the future has in store for him.
Whatever it is, I know it'll be amazing. He deserves nothing less.
"Damn,querida," I groan, collapsing beside Camila in our bed. My heart pounds against my ribcage and my lungs burn from exertion. Every muscle in my body is weak. She's wreckedbeside me, sprawled across the bed and panting for breath. "You keep fucking me like that, I may never leave this bed again."
"Mmm," she moans.
I roll to the side and press a kiss to her sweaty shoulder and then her belly. "Is my boy okay in there?"
"Mmhmm," she hums.
I chuckle and pull her into my arms. Her gorgeous body is damp with sweat. I don't mind. She's never more beautiful to me than she is when she's blissed out and leaking my cum. After five years, you'd think I'd be used to how gorgeous she is, but she still knocks me on my ass every time I look at her. Especially when she's carrying my babies.
I lay my hand across her belly. She can already feel him moving around in there, but I haven't been able to feel him yet. I can't wait until I do. It shouldn't be much longer now. Camila thinks it's adorable how much I love feeling them move, but there's something magical about feeling your kid move for the first time. It's one of my favorite parts of her pregnancies.
"He's sleeping," she murmurs, pressing her face into my throat. "He had a busy day."
"Fucking Caleb," I growl, still a little pissed he asked my wife out. I know she doesn't want me to say anything to him about it but fuck that noise. He'll be hearing from me as soon as I can find his ass tomorrow. It'll probably piss Camila off, but it needs to be said.
If I don't say it, someone else will. He's a good player, has the potential to be one of the greats. The last thing he needs is to screw up his career being stupid. I don't care if he knew she was mine or not. There's very clearly a ring on her finger and a baby in her belly. If he doesn't get his head out of his ass, he's going to pursue the wrong woman one day and get himself into more trouble than he can get himself out of.
This sport isn't like it was when I first started. The world isn't like it was back then. And that's not a bad thing. We have a platform most people don't. It's our responsibility to use it to speak out, to stand for equality and fairness, to ensure that men like Derrick Lovelace aren't being given free passes. Even before Camila, I tried to be one of the good ones. But meeting her changed my life. Having daughters changed everything.
Caleb needs to step up and realize that he's in the unique position to be able to do a lot of good in this world. I've had my turn, and I think I did okay with it. Sure, I fucked up along the way. But when people think about the time I punched Cal Hopkins on national television, they remember why he deserved it. That debacle of a date and the teasing ended a long time ago. But they still remember I did it because he humiliated a girl who didn't deserve it. Hell, some of them still high five me for punching him.
"Are you very mad?" Camila asks.
"At you? Never, angel," I promise, pressing a kiss to her temple. "At him? Fuck yeah."
"I'm not representing him."
"I know," I say, and I do know that. It never crossed my mind to tell her she couldn't represent him because I know her. As soon as he crossed that line, he killed his chance with her. She doesn't tolerate bullshit from the players she represents. They respect her for it. Hell, they adore her for it. She doesn't need me to make decisions for her. She's more than capable of doing that on her own.
My wife is a bad ass. She's also one hell of a publicist. I'm so fucking proud of her for everything she's accomplished. People might assume I'm the reason she's so successful, but they'd be wrong. She understands people and how they operate, and once she decides to represent you, she will fight tooth and nail for you.She doesn't do shady things or force her clients to fit an image she thinks will sell.
Watching her grow has been the highlight of my life. When I first met her, she didn't trust easily. She thought professional athletescouldn'tbe trusted. She knows differently now. She sees the world differently now. And I'm the lucky son of a bitch who gets to experience it at her side. I love her more every single day. She's my wife, the mother of my children, the woman I'm going to grow old with, and my best friend.
She is the center of my world, and she always will be. I know she's been worried about me since I told her I was ready to retire, but I'm not worried. I love hockey, but my life doesn't revolve around the sport. It revolves around her and our kids. So long as I have them, I could dig ditches every day and be thrilled.