Page 100 of Playing for Keeps
"You're trying to distract me."
"Daddy!" Carina cries. "Unka Kis is here!"
"Shit," Gray mutters, hooking an arm around her waist half a second before she manages to dive out of the box to reach Kris. I always thought people were joking when they said the second child is fearless, but they weren't. Carina is a little daredevil. She isn't afraid of anyone or anything.
Gray is going to lock her up and throw away the key when she hits her teens.
Kris stomps down the steps toward us, frowning.
"Unka Kis! Unka Kis!" Carina calls, jumping up and down in Gray's arms and reaching for Kris.
"Hi, sweetheart," he says, smiling at her. Our daughters both adore him. Mostly because he spoils them as badly as Gray does. He and Kelsey have a little girl, but he wants another so bad it's a little hilarious. I have a feeling he'll be getting his wish soon.
Kelsey is pregnant again, but they haven't told anyone. For a long time, she didn't think she could have kids. But everything worked out for her in the end. I've never seen her or Kris so happy.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says to me, winking.
"Stop winking at my wife," Gray complains. "Go wink at your own."
"Mine is busy," Kris says, crossing his arms over his chest to scan the ice. "So I'm guessing she talked you out of killing Caleb? Interesting."
"Why am I killing Caleb?" Gray demands, narrowing his eyes on me.
I huff out a breath and glare at Kris, who just shrugs unapologetically. I swear, he's as bad as Gray. Wes is too. He's a mentor for the team, so he's still around a lot. If anyone even looks at me wrong, he's the first to tattle to Gray. They're lucky I love them, or I would absolutely help Kelsey hide their bodies under the ice.
"Me diz, querida," Gray growls at me, handing Carina to Kris.
"Heaskedmeouttodinner," I say all at once. After Kelsey has the baby, I'm going to strangle her for telling Kris what happened. "But I handled it. So can we go home now, please? I'm sleepy."
"He what?"
"Um, heaskedmeouttodinner," I say again, faster this time.
Kris tries to hide a smile but fails.
"I thought that's what you said," Gray growls, already headed toward the boards.
I grab his shirt before he can jump over them. Women flirt with him all the time. Even knowing that he's married. But do I get all crazy? No. Because I'm not a crazy person. He's so possessive. He hates when other men even look in my direction. Which is exactly why I had to ban him from my office. He spent all his free time hovering and growling and glaring. It made people nervous. It's hard to sign clients when they're mildly terrified of your husband.
"Stay here, angel," he says. "I'll handle this and be right back."
I shoot a dirty look at Kris, silently demanding he help me out here since this is all his fault. I was going to wait to tell Gray until after I jumped his bones tonight. Sex mellows him out. Now, he's probably going to murder Caleb. And I'll never get my orgasms or a nap.
"He's already left the arena," Kris says.
I exhale a relieved breath.
Gray curses.
"Bad daddy," Carina says, narrowing her eyes on him.
"I know, I know," he croons to her, instantly solicitous. "Daddy won't say it again."
"Liar." Kris chuckles, handing Carina back over to him.
"You're in so much trouble," Gray says to me over her head. Judging by the heat in his eyes, I won't mind the punishment. I never really do.
I roll my eyes at him anyway, just to remind him that he's not the boss of me. He's still my awkward, nerdy hockey player, but he's gotten bossier over the years. I don't really mind it. It's kind of sexy, honestly. But there's no way I'm letting him know that. It'll only encourage his caveman ways.