Page 58 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
“I do.”Beckett reached back into the trunk and pulled out a matching black leather paddle.Whoever made all of this had to have taken their time.It was all beautifully crafted.
“Can we use this too?”
“Instead of the cane?”
“Maybe all of it.I want to feel it all and see what I like.There is nothing here that I would say no to.”
“Very good.”
I watched as Beckett moved to the corner of his room with the bar and stepped behind it.He pressed something under the bar top and I heard a latch unlock.With the push of his hand, the wall behind him opened, and he stepped through what could only be explained as a hidden doorway.The shock of knowing I had been sleeping next to him for months in a room with a secret passage hadn’t worn off when he came back out holding what looked like some kind of strange bench.He sat it in the middle of the room and looked over at me.
“I had this made for you.It’s a Japanese Bondage Horse.I wanted something that you would be comfortable while on it.Come here, little one.”
I walked to Beckett and reached for his outstretched hand when he held it out.He helped me up and then arranged me where he wanted me.My knees straddled the long bench and rested on two padded sides as my chest lay on the center section.I was already aroused at the thought of what was to come, and that I could easily press my sex into the soft leather between my thighs only made me smile.Beckett went to the bed and returned with the leather restraints.He placed both on my wrists and attached them to the metal hoops of the bench, forcing my position to be nearly immovable.
“When we play, we will need some rules.Tonight you want to try all the toys I have out, so I will make sure you have only four strikes with each.”
“What if I want more?”
“Is that something you want to negotiate now?”
“I mean, what if I want more of one and less of another while you are doing it?”
“Whatever we decide now will not change once we get started.The only thing that will stop our scene is your safe word.Do you want to choose one?”
“What do people usually do?”
“Some use colors or numbers which would allow me to check on you as we go.For instance, a five would be a hard stop, a three would be things are getting more difficult, a one is to keep going.”
“I like that idea.”
“So the word you say to stop everything would be what?”
“That’s right.Do you have any questions before we begin?”
“What happens when we are done?”
Beckett’s smile widened.“I will pull you into my arms and fuck that sweet pussy of yours until you are screaming my name.”
Thiswasit.Ihad been waiting for this moment the second I realized marrying Raven would be more than in name only.I strapped my beautiful girl to one of the benches I had made just for her, and she was waiting for my next move.The blood that ran through my body was burning like it always did for her, but the level of excitement that collided with my thoughts nearly undid me.I loved this woman more than I had loved anyone in my life.It wasn’t until tonight that I realized how deep my love for her ran.I was pissed about what her father had done, but I’d played the games of manipulation with him before and I always came out on top.Her ex was a different story.Rather than thinking clearly, the emotional rage and jealousy over her even having been near him made me want to do unthinkable things.Things I hadn’t considered since I was younger.But she chose me.I needed to know that we were more than a couple brought together by my poor choices.I needed to know that she was with me because she loved me too and tonight, more than any other, I learned that she truly did.
“Are you ready, baby girl?”I asked as I carefully and slowly ran the soft strips of the leather flogger over her back and ass.
“Yes, sir.”
“Impact play comes in many forms.There are a variety of toys to play with and different situations in which we would engage in it.Many dominants punish their submissive with impact and others engage in the activity for the pure joy of it.Tonight you will learn the joys of pain and we will keep it that way unless you ask otherwise.I have other ideas in mind for punishments.”
“I understand, sir.”
Raven’s breathing was growing erratic, and I was certain if I stopped what I was doing and slid my fingers between her thighs, I’d find her soaking with need.I wanted to touch her.The need I had for her rivaled anything I had felt before, but I knew she needed this first.We both did, so I stepped back and took my stance before striking her with the first blow.