Page 53 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
Itwasstillearly,and the club wasn’t as busy as it normally was for a normal Friday night.There was a large event in town which pulled in a lot of our regulars, but I knew they would arrive later in the night.I wanted Raven to meet some staff members and Trinity before things got a little crazy.The way her body froze when she saw Dare and Cleo on stage made my heart race.The two of them were long-time members of the community and one of the best rope performing pairs in the city.We were lucky to even have them as members here, so whenever they wanted to perform on our center stage, the answer was always yes.Raven took one look at them and was mesmerized by what she had seen.Tonight was all about being a voyeur.I wanted her to watch and learn about different dynamics and scenes that people played out here while not overwhelming her.Interestingly enough, Trinity had her undivided attention at the moment, and I almost felt as if I were intruding on their conversation.
“Beckett told me this is all kind of new to you.”
“It is.I had always known a bit about what existed in the world of kink, but to learn about clubs like this quite honestly amazed me.How long have you been a part of it all?”
“Since my early twenties.I had certain reasons the lifestyle appealed to me, as most people do.Some are lucky enough to have a partner that safely introduces them to these things, but the rest of us find our way here on our own.You’re very lucky to have Beckett by your side.”
Raven looked up at me with a soft smile and I lifted our clasped hands, placing a kiss on the back of hers.
“I really am.”
“Is there anything specific you want to see or learn about tonight?”
“I don’t think so.I told Beckett before I left my biggest concern was not making him look like a fool.I’m so worried I’ll do something wrong.”
“You can’t do anything wrong.Just keep an eye on your space.The reason I have always enjoyed The Pendulum is that Beckett’s staff are great at monitoring things.The staff all wear those red, glowing bracelets,” Trinity said as she pointed to one of my employees.“They are here for everyone’s safety.Kink can be dangerous and everyone practices enthusiastic consent.It’s key to playing safely.If a dungeon master feels there is something off about a scene, they will stop things immediately.They also make sure no one purposefully or accidentally intrudes.”
“Why would someone do that?”
“They shouldn’t, but it has happened,” I said, giving her hand a quick squeeze.“Tonight, you will stay by my side.I’ll make sure nothing happens, but what Trinity is saying is there will be a time you may be comfortable being here yourself, and my staff will always make sure you are safe.”
Raven nodded as Trinity went to stand.“I have a few people to check in on, but I’ll be here all night if you have questions.It was great meeting you.Have Beckett give you my number, and maybe we can grab lunch or something.I know plenty of subs that would be willing to mentor you,”
“Thanks, I’ll do that.”
Raven watched as Trinity made her way down the corridor that held some of our private rooms.Other than what I had asked of her, I had no idea what she was working on tonight, but whatever it was, I was happy she trusted The Pendulum to provide her and her students what they needed.
“Are you ready to walk around a bit?”
“Can we watch them?”Raven said, pointing to the center stage.
“Of course.Come with me.”
I held her hand and guided her through the crowd of people around the stage.As we approached, a couple who were sitting in the front stood and offered us their seat.Normally I would ask them to stay, not wanting to interfere with their night, but since I had Raven, I thanked them and sat down.
“This is shibari, right?”she asked, leaning in my direction.
“It is.Dare and Cleo are two of the most experienced rope artists in the city.They are members here but also mentor others who are learning the practice.Trinity was right about one thing, a lot of what you will see here can be very dangerous.At The Pendulum we are picky over who we allow to join for several reasons.Discretion being a big one, but people’s willingness to follow the rules and their experience level is another.We aren’t opposed to new members of the community, but we assign them a club mentor through their probation period.Dare and Cleo both volunteer as members.”
“It’s kind of breathtaking.”
“It is.Do you see how his hands rarely leave her?Dare and Cleo have been friends for years, and one thing I’ve always noticed when he is in a scene with her is that he never leaves her alone.He spends most of it reassuring her he is there with her.The connection between the two of them is unbelievable.”
“Wait, they are just friends?”
“Yes, from what I understand, they met in college and got into the community together.They have been practicing shibari since then.Dare and Cleo are an example of two people who practice for reasons of their own.It may be something they share with each other, but they never divulge much about their personal lives.”
“What else do they do here?”
“Quite a lot, actually.They are some of my best members.When they are not performing their own scenes, they spend time watching others.”
“Like voyeurism?”
“Maybe.I’ve never asked.Voyeurism is someone who is sexually excited by watching others.Many times you could sit in the same room with someone who is a voyeur and not even realize it.”
Raven’s hand tightened around my own and I pulled her closer to me, leaning forward so I could whisper into her ear.“Is the tension I sense in you nerves, or is this something you are enjoying more than I realize?”