Page 13 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
“I do.”
“Any preferences?”
“Right now, anything sounds good.”
I let out a small laugh.“I can understand that feeling.”
I poured her a drink and brought it to her, taking a seat next across from her.
She took a large sip from the glass and then looked back at me.“This is weird, right?Or is it just me?”
“Well, meeting the woman I’m going to marry isn’t something I do every day, if that’s what you mean.”
“I’m sorry, I just don’t really know what to do, or say for that matter.The auction company was very clear about everything that would happen up to this point.I feel a bit lost.”
“That’s okay.I understand.I know it’s late, but I didn’t want you to go to sleep without meeting.I took some time off this weekend so we can figure some of these things out.”
“Do you normally work on the weekends?”
“Most of them, yes.”
“What do you do?”
“I invest in real estate.It’s been good for me.”
“That’s nice.”
“How about you?”
“I was in law school.But my mom got sick, so I didn’t finish.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“She passed away last year and I haven’t really figured out what I’m going to do now.”
“Is that why you agreed to this arrangement?”
“I guess so.Cancer is a rich man’s disease, and this is one way to help me get back on my feet after taking care of her.”
“Losing a parent is never easy.I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
Raven looked down at the glass in her hand and swirled around the amber liquor.I knew how hard losing her mother was for her.I knew almost everything about her, but that didn’t mean I wanted her to know that yet.
“I’m sure you are tired.I don’t want to keep you if you’d like to get some sleep.”
“Is that… I I allowed to just go to bed?”
Her innocent face gave away every emotion running through her.I knew what she was implying, but the need to hear her say it was overpowering my good sense.
“What else would you want to do, Raven?”
Her eyes went dark, and she struggled to look up at me.
“If you wanted to, you know...I could stay up tonight.”
The kitchen staff came in at the exact moment I was ready to push her further.They laid out a few trays of food and I watched as she not only greeted them all with smiles, but introduced herself as well.I couldn’t pull my eyes from her.She was remarkable, and I had only been in the same room as her for a few minutes.
“Raven,” I said, pulling her attention back to me once the staff left, “Ask me what you want to ask me and don’t shy away from it.”