Page 80 of Dion
"My sentimentsexactly. I’ll inform her Dad and sister and we’ll beright over. Oh darling, the papers are raving over the store. We gota full review in all the major ones and sales were through the roof.Odette's vintage corner was sold out. There’s a section with aphoto of you carrying her out of the store in your arms. Rathersweet."
"I’dforgotten about that." It seemed like weeks since they’dbeen at the opening instead of hours. "I’m happy for that.I just want her to wake up and talk to me."
"She will."
"I have to goback to her, Mother."
"I’ll seeyou shortly."
He hung up and walkedover to stare at his son again. He held the tiny baby in his arms,carefully cradling his head and felt his heart constricting withlove. He had a son. The brave woman in the private room had made thatpossible.
He thought his lovefor her was complete but he was wrong. He felt his heart filling upfor the sacrifices she’d made, and he was never going to forgetit. Touching the tiny fist, he smiled as Demar stirred slightly.
"Oh, I’msorry, Mr. Horton." He looked up to see the nurse bustling in.“Your wife is awake.”
His heart leaped inexcitement. “Is she okay?”
“She’sasking for both you and your son."
"Thank you."With one last look at the baby, he turned on his heels and hurriedtoward her room.
She was propped upagainst the pillows and was wearing a light blue robe with buttons atthe front. Her hair had been brushed back into a ponytail and asidefrom the slightly tired look on her face, she looked well andabsolutely beautiful. He walked toward her, his steps slow andmeasured, the naked adoration on his face.
"Hi." Shewhispered, holding her hand out to take his as he sat on the side ofthe bed.
"You gave mequite a scare."
"You look likehell." She smiled at him and he grinned, lifting her hand to hislips.
"See what youdid to me."
"I apologize."She looked at him with love swimming in her eyes. "You haven’tbeen back to the hotel?”
“I’m yourcheerleader, remember?"
"Our son?"
"Is fine and wastaking a nap."
"I want to seehim, darling."
"The nurse- Ah,perfect timing." They both looked up when she bustled into theroom, pushing the cot in front of her.
"Thank you."
"Ten minuteswith him and then it's time for you to get some rest." The womantold her firmly. "Doctor's orders."
"I’ll bearthat in mind." She was no longer looking at the nurse but wasriveted by the baby sleeping peacefully with one tiny fist restingagainst his cheek.
"He’sbeautiful." She breathed.
"He looks likeyou." Her husband murmured as he too stared at his son.
"Oh, hedefinitely has your chin and your nose." Her fingers tightenedon his. "We made him, darling. He came from us."
"He had a hellof a fight to get here."