Page 79 of Dion
"I wish I couldbelieve that. Her blood pressure is elevated as well."
"That's to beexpected." His mother said with a nod.
"You need to goback to her." Charles Billings ventured quietly, forcing himselfnot to flinch when the man turned his green gaze on him.
He was more than alittle intimidated by the man his daughter had married, not justbecause of his wealth, but also his forceful personality. Dion Hortonhad been very cool at their first meeting and had thawed onlyslightly during the ensuing months.
"I intend to.Why don't you all go back to the hotel? I’ll call and let youknow-"
"We’re notleaving." Charles Billings told him firmly, his eyes slidingaway as Dion pinned him with a look. "I wasn’t there formy daughter and I intend to be here now."
"Suit yourself."He said brusquely. "I’ll let you know what's happening."With that, he turned and left the room.
"He doesn’tlike me." Charles muttered as he walked over to get some coffee.
"You can’ttake it personal." Ilene was the one who answered. "He’sworried about his wife and baby."
"Of course.You’re right." Charles sent her a grateful smile as hereturned to his seat. "It’ll all be over in the nextcouple of hours."
But it wasn’tand three hours had passed since Dion had given them the not sopositive news. They’d all been persuaded to go to the hotel toget some rest in the early hours of the morning.
"You lookworried."
"Justconcerned." He tried for a smile as he rubbed the ice chips overher lips. "It's been a while."
"They are tryingto get my blood pressure down."
"I know."He hated she was going through this and couldn’t help but feelguilty.
"I’d dothis all over again." She murmured as if reading his thoughts.
"I wouldn't,"He shook his head firmly, putting away the cup and kissing her dampforehead. "I can’t bear to see you like this."
"We’regoing to be fine. It's just that I’m so tired." She laidback against his chest and closed her eyes.
Before he couldrespond, the doctors and nurses were bustling back in.
"We’regoing to try and reposition the baby again, Odette. Hopefully, thiswill be over in the next half hour.”
“I hope sotoo.” Taking a deep breath, she struggled to sit up.
“The baby?”
“A bouncingseven pounds, six ounces of wriggling miracle.” He told hismother wearily.
“And yourwife?”
“She lost a lotof blood and they’re taking precautions. She’s weak. Theprolonged labor and loss of blood has drained her. They’remaking her rest in order to recuperate."
"I want to seemy grandson. What does he look like?"
Dion's smile softenedas he gazed into the cot assigned to Demar Owen Horton. "He hasdark brown hair and hazel eyes and he looks like her. Thank goodness.He’s a little miracle."
"You sound likea very proud Dad."
"I am. I oweeverything to her."