Page 70 of Dion
“I love you.”
He felt when shestiffened. “Am I dying?”
“I hope not.”He shifted so he could look at her. The dark brown eyes were stillfeverishly bright, but her fever was going down. She wasn’t ashot as she was before. “If you do, I’m going to be lost.”He added gently.
“You went tosee her.”
“Yes. I did. Ihad to get some kind of closure and prove to myself I was completelyover her.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I had to do itmy way, darling. I know I hurt you the last time we were together andI hate myself for doing that. I wanted to be able to give youeverything and now I can.”
“That’squite a speech.” She said breathlessly. “You had to waituntil I’m half dead to tell me all of that.”
“I wantedto tell you last night, but you didn’t want to hear anythingfrom me.” He pushed the tangled hair from her forehead. “I’min love with you, darling. I tried to fight it because I told myselfI didn’t want to get bogged down by that emotion again. I needyou and I know you’re not Amelia. I told her goodbye.”
“And? What didshe say?”
“That she lovedme.” He smiled at that. “For a long time, I believed her,believed that what we shared was love, but now I know better.”
“Why?”She demanded hoarsely and he understood she wanted to make sure ofwhat he was feeling.
“Because lovingsomeone means not intentionally hurting them. Loving someone meansputting their needs and desires before yours and most of all, lovingsomeone isn’t about changing the person or forcing them to dowhat you want, even if it means the person isn’t comfortabledoing it.
You’ve been mybest friend for years and now you’re the woman I’mcompletely in love with.”
“And there’sno doubt about that? She’s no longer in the room with us?”
He shook his head.“She never was. Or at least, not when I was making love to you.
When I drive myselfdeep inside you, it’s your name I call out and your face I see.What I shared with Amelia was violent and unreal and destructive.What I share with you is too beautiful for words.”
“I believe youit’s just I’m too sick to do anything about it.”
“I’mlooking forward to a suitable response as soon as you’re wellenough.”
She shifted againsthim. “You’re naked.”
“I had to trysomething to get the fever down.” Now she was feeling a littlebetter and his mind was at ease, he was starting the feel thestirring of passion. It’d been a week since he’d beenwith her and it’d been too long. All the pent-up desire wassuddenly breaking loose. His hands drifted down her back as he triedto ease away from her. “Go to sleep.”
“We’lltalk when I wake up.” She murmured drowsily, already succumbingto the warmth of his body and the soothing feel of his lean bodyagainst hers. “I love you.”
Dion felt a joltstraight to his heart at her slurred words. His hands tightenedaround her and bending his head, he kissed her on the foreheadgently.
Laughing softly, herealized ruefully that the slender beauty in his arms had managed tostir his desire and was whipping it into a frenzy just by being here.Her body was pressed against his and she was fast asleep, while hewas dying to sink himself deep into her. With a frustrated sigh, heforced himself to close his eyes and go to sleep.
He was dreaming hecould feel someone’s mouth wandering over his chest andstomach. A stifled groan escaped him as the persistent mouth headedeven further down. When the lips, unbelievably real lips, closed overhis throbbing cock, his body jerked in response and his eyes flewopen.
At first, he wasdisoriented until his eyes drifted down to the woman crouched betweenhis open thighs.
“It took youlong enough.” The sultry voice said softly.
“You’refeeling better,’ He stated foolishly, hands clenching intotight fists as she continued to stroke him with her tongue.
“Immensely.”She took him into her mouth.
“Darling-“He groaned aloud, his body trembling. He felt weak as if his body wassubmerged beneath water, water with fire boiling beneath the surface.He couldn’t gather the strength to haul her on top of him. Hiships were moving unconsciously beneath the sweet torture of hermouth.
The saliva againstthe heat of his skin was driving him to distraction. Somehow, hefound the strength to reach down and pull her up and on top of him.His body was shaking, his fingers feeling more like thumbs as heguided his soaking wet cock into her.