Page 69 of Dion
"I’mthirsty." She whispered.
"I’ll getyou something to drink as soon as I’m finished."
"I shouldn'thave gone running. I was mad at you."
"I know, baby.Shh." Dipping the cloth into the water, he started on her neck.Within minutes he’d covered her entire body and found a cleannightgown for her to put on. Going into the bathroom again, he filleda cup with water from the tap and gave it to her.
She swallowed it downthirstily, before flopping back against the pillows and closing hereyes. “Don’t leave.” She grabbed at his hand as hestarted to rise.
“I’m justputting the cup down. I’m not going anywhere." He assuredher.
“I feel soawful.”
“I know, baby.”Sliding in bed with her, he gathered her close, frowning at the heatof her skin. His hands wrapped around her tight as she snuggledagainst him, her face buried into his chest.
“Dion?”She whispered hoarsely.
“I’m gladyou came."
He smiled at that,his hands rubbing her back. "So am I. Try and get some sleep."
She drifted offimmediately, her breathing a little raspy. He stayed awake, worriedshe was going to have a relapse. Her skin wasn’t as hot asbefore, but still warm enough to cause concern and he didn’tlike the way she was breathing.
He couldn’tafford to give her anything because of her pregnancy. He blamedhimself for what she was going through.
She’d come hereto get away from him and had gone running without checking theweather because she hadn’t been thinking straight. If anythinghappened to her, he was to be blamed. With a troubled sigh, he closedhis eyes and drifted off.
The fever was backand worse than before. In the early hours of the morning, he wasawoken by her restlessly thrashing and the incredible heat of herskin.
His eyes flew openand as soon as it registered what was happening, he eased her awayfrom him so he could take off his clothes and then hers.
“Water.”She whispered, her eyes drifting open.
“Give me aminute.” Rushing into the bathroom, he filled the cup to thebrim and brought it back, along with the basin he’d filled withice cold water and the washcloth.
Holding the cup soshe could drink, he waited until she had finished before using thewash cloth to wipe her down. Putting them away, he climbed into bedand pulled her almost on top of him, his arms wrapped around herslender body that was shaking.
“I'm cold.”She whispered into his throat.
“I’mtrying to warm you up.” His hands slid up and down her back ashe pressed her against his flesh, trying to absorb some of her heat.
“You’redoing a good job.”
“Thanks.”Bending his head, he kissed her forehead.
“I’mstill mad at you.” She told him.
“I expect youare.” He said chuckling. “What can I do?”
“You’regetting there. I wanted to hate you.”
“I couldn’t.Damn you.”