Page 64 of Dion
"Then talk to meso I can share the pain."
Looking away fromher, he stared across the room, a frown touching his brow. "Thegirl's name is Bianca and she’s very pretty and sweet accordingto Elliot. She has no idea that Amelia is her biological mother, shethinks she’s her aunt." He smiled grimly. “I wantedto take care of her. I’m sorry." He whispered hoarsely.
"For what?"
"For being sostupid and easily led."
"I don't thinkyou are. Look at me." She demanded. When he turned his head, sheframed his face between her hands. "I called you stupid becauseI was pissed at you and frustrated. You’re intelligent andbrilliant.
Your visions are outof this world. You made a mistake by falling for the wrong woman andyou did what a man in love should do - you showed her and nothing iswrong with that."
"I haven’tgiven you anything." He pointed out.
“You gave me ababy. Before you asked me to be your surrogate, I never realized howmuch I wanted a family. You’ve given me something that moneycould never buy."
"Even so,"He shook his head, his expression bleak. "I should be giving youthings."
"I don't needthings. I need you." Leaning forward, she kissed him softly andwould have moved away, but he held her there and deepened the kiss.Within seconds they were both lost, their lips clinging to eachother.
Easing her awayfrom him, he drew a breath. “We’re going to give the girla full scholarship, all expenses paid tuition along with boarding andeverything else.”
“Wouldn’tthat be considered a bribe?”
Moving away from her,he descended the steps and went to get his drink. “Mother isright – it boils down to money.”
“Does it?”She hated he was distancing himself whenever he was in a mood. “Oris it the fact that she feels she’s entitled to you?”
Picking up his drink,he took a swallow. “That could be it as well. We touched herAchilles heel. As soon the lawyers mentioned the girl, she crumpled.She was all for it, the lawyers are putting a gag order on thepublication.”
“So, it’sover?”
He shrugged and tookanother drink. “Hopefully. She wants to see me.”
“As in- “
“She wants meto go there and have a conversation.”
“You saidno of course.”
“I’mthinking about it.”
Her eyes flashed.“What the hell is there to think about? She’s a crazybitch who almost ruined your life and ended it. When is her influenceover you going to end? When!” Rising, she descended the stepsand confronted him. “I’m sick and tired of sharing youwith her. She’s always in the room with us. What the hell doesshe have that I don’t?”
“I loved her!”He shouted, green eyes growing hot. “She took everything I hadand it’s difficult to get her out of my head. I fell hard andfast and it isn’t easy for me to just let go.”
“You still loveher.” Odette felt the anger floating away to be replaced bydefeat. She couldn’t do this anymore.
“I don’tknow. Look, I’m sorry- “
She shook her headand turning, went over to the suitcase the housekeeper had stashedinto the large walk-through closet. “No. It’s fine.”
“What are youdoing?” He demanded, following her.
“I think weneed some space from each other.”
“I don’twant that.”
“I do.”Brushing past him, she went to pack her suitcase determined not tocry.