Page 63 of Dion
He looked tired, shethought as she watched him walking into the elegant sitting roomadjoining his bedroom. She’d left the nursing home and headedstraight to his apartment. They had come to an agreement that she’dbe spending most of her time here.
“There’sdinner in the warmer. Have you eaten?”
“I grabbedsomething from the office.” He tugged off his tie andunbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. “I’mjust going to grab a glass of scotch and take a shower.”
“I’lljoin you- “
“No.” Heshook his head as he gathered the clothing together. “I’llbe quick.” He glanced at the designs spread out on the silksofa. “You look hard at work, I’ll be right back.”
She frowned at hisback as he made his way out. She’d called to find out about themeeting with the publisher, but he’d told her he was headinginto another meeting and would apprise her of the situation as soonas he arrived.
He was aloof anddistant and she knew what that meant. He was feeling guilty and upsetthat he’d brought all of this on them.
She wanted to soothehis pain, but she couldn’t unless he talked to her. From thelook on his face, that was the last thing he wanted to do. Whichmeant she was going to have to pry it out of him and there was everylikelihood there was going to be a fight, but she wasn’t goingto let that stop her.
Gathering herdesigns, she put them away and rose, heading toward the bedroom. He’dfinished his shower and was standing next to the bed, using a towelto rub the moisture from his hair.
He looked up when shewalked into the room, noticing the determined lift of her chin."How’s your stomach?" He thought he would head heroff before she started.
"Good. Now-"Marching over to stand in front of him, she planted her hands on herhips. "Tell me."
Turning away, hetossed the damp towel onto the chair next to the bed and walked overto the dresser to pick a pair of sweats. "The lawyers arehandling it." He told her briefly.
"Haskins ishedging and muttering about the contract and all that nonsense. Ourlawyers are the best in the business. Elliot, head of security isalso doing his own investigation. She has a daughter." He addedbitterly.
"I see. Howold?"
"Twenty. She’sbeing brought up by Amelia's mother in the country."
"I never knewshe was a mother."
"Neither did I."He went to find a t-shirt and dragged it over his head. "She’sattending college. I was with Amelia for more than a year and she hidthat from me. I never knew her."
"We alreadyestablished that." She watched as he walked over to the cabinetto pour himself a drink and it bothered her he wasn’t comingnear her as if he’d closed himself off from her. "Whofound out about the daughter?"
"Elliot. He’svery good at his job." Leaning against the counter, he sippedhis drink, his eyes on her. "How was your day?"
"He’sdying and we’re not through talking about this." Shewarned.
"Your father isdying?"
"Yes. He’sbeen given a couple of months." Walking up the steps. she sat onthe edge of the bed. "He wants to meet you."
"That can bearranged."
Chapter 13
"Now that we’vegone through all of that, why don't we talk about the elephant in theroom?" She pointed to the edge of the bed. Hesitating slightly,he complied and came to sit next to her.
"I really don'twant to talk about it."
"Tough, becauseyou owe me. We’re in a relationship and that’s whatpeople in relationships do. They talk about things."
"It's painful."He muttered.