Page 53 of Dion
"The cafe itis." Turning around, she gazed at him.
"You look veryhandsome."
"Is that so?"
"Hmm. I love tosee this side of you."
"What side isthat?"
"Casual andrelaxed. Don't get me wrong, you look good in a suit, but right here,this outfit suits you."
"Thanks."His eyes wandered over her slender body. Her hair was pulled backinto a simple ponytail and she was wearing large gold earrings. "Youdon't look too bad yourself."
"Shall I tellyou about my flight?"
"Was ithorrible?"
"It was - shallwe say amusing and intriguing."
"There was thisguy sat next to me who insisted on giving me his number. WinstonBlagrove."
"I know him."His hands tightened on the wheel as he edged out a cab.
"You do. Hewants to take me to see his offices."
"What did youtell him?"
"I’mactually on my way to meet my boyfriend."
He gave her a glance."Boyfriend?"
"I could havesaid ‘baby daddy,’ but I don’t suppose we’reusing that term yet.”
“We should.”With a flourish, he swung off the main road and onto a side road thatled to the café.
"So we're goingall out?"
"I think weshould." Handing the key fob to the valet who came rushing over,he took her hand. "It’ll keep men like Blagrove off yourback."
"Is he afriend?"
"No. Too much ofa snob."
"You mean you’renot?” She asked, laughing up at him.
“You think I’msnobbish?"
"Not with mebecause I’d never allow it."
"You’reamazingly rich and very pretty."
He looked at herdarkly. "Pretty?"