Page 52 of Dion
"No!" Heclosed his eyes briefly. "I just need you here with me. Please."
"Okay, I’llbook the flight."
"Let me pay-"
"I got this.Just send me the hotel details and if you’re unable to come forme at the airport-"
"I’ll bethere." He promised her quietly. "Thanks."
Hanging up, he staredacross the room, his brow knitted. He knew what this meant. He wouldbe 'coming out' as it were. The press was making a big deal about thesuperstore they were opening and their PR department was feeding thefrenzy.
It was going to be athrowback to when department stores were things to experience. He’dinherited a company that had been around for generations. It’dbe up against Romano's and others of similar ilk, and he wanted it tobe spectacular.
On top of that, hewanted - no, needed - to get rid of the bad press surrounding hisfamily name. It had scared Dion to think he’d end up like hisfather and had gone out of his way to ensure he didn't. It hadbackfired on him several times. He’d been looking for love sohard that he found it in all the wrong places.
His previousrelationships had turned out to be disasters. His first had been incollege and the girl had been into him for his money.
His second had beenwith a friend of the family and she’d been cheating on him witha friend. Then, he’d met Amelia, a woman ten years his senior,and she’d been so persuasive and alluring he’d beenunable to resist her.
Swinging his legsoff the bed, he went to pour himself a scotch. Every instinct in himwas telling him that Odette wasn’t like that, not like theothers, but years of being pulled into darkness had taken its toll.
Oh, he wanted to givein and trust her completely, but he’d been through too much tofully let go of the past. Taking the glass with him, he wandered overto the window.
He could see theEmpire State Building and the surrounding attractions that made NewYork what it was. He’d take her to a Broadway show and some ofthe fancy restaurants in town and he wasn’t going to care aboutthe publicity. Tossing back the drink, he stood for a minute beforeturning away.
Chapter 11
She hadn’texpected to see him when she exited the busy airport building, butthere he was leaning against the side of the car, looking devilishlyhandsome in denims and a baby blue cotton shirt, his hair ruffled bythe wind.
She wasn’t theonly one to notice him. Within minutes there was a buzz ofconversation with people pointing at him in excitement.
When he moved towardher to take the suitcase, the excitement built even more. She thoughthe’d be discreet and wait until they were inside the car, buthe shocked her by pulling her into his arms and kissing her, leavinglittle doubt where they stood.
Ignoring the cameraflashes and the curiosity, he guided her toward the car and openedthe door for her to get in. Ignoring the questions thrown at him, hegot in and pulled away from the curb.
"Hi." Hegave her a grin as he moved through airport traffic.
"You certainlymade a statement." Her lips were still throbbing from the kiss.
"That was theintention. No doubt, by morning, it’ll be spread over socialmedia."
"The vultureswill start circling." Settling into the seat, she stretched herlegs out.
"Are you upset?"
"For beingfodder for the press? Why would I be?" She asked airily.
"I should havecleared it with you first." He eased into the mad New Yorktraffic.
"You shouldhave, but I don't mind. Where are we going?"
"There’sthis little outdoors cafe that serves the most delightful seafoodsalad. I hope you’re hungry."
"Hopefully mystomach will behave." She patted it gently. "It has beensettling over the past week."
"Or we could goto the hotel."