Page 5 of Dion
“I’mnot certain she’d be up for that.” Putting her at arms’length, he noticed the moisture in her eyes.
“I’mgetting emotional, I know, but this is finally a happy moment.”
“I’ve putyou through so much.”
“Don’tworry about it, darling.” She kissed his cheek. “All isforgiven. Now, I know it’s early in the day, but I feel likechampagne.”
“So, do I.”
Chapter 2
He enjoyed thesolitary drive as the urban gave way to the rustic and rural. Hepassed through a small town with quaint stores and wondered if theywould benefit from having an exclusive line of Horton’s here.Shaking his head at constantly thinking about business, he forcedhimself to enjoy the spectacular view and the clean air.
He’d clearedhis schedule so he could spend the entire day talking and planning.Turning off onto the dirt track, he slowed down and made his waycarefully towards the sprawling ranch type house, a smile crossinghis lips when he saw the woman curled up on the porch swing, her longlegs tucked underneath her.
There were papersstrewn all around her and she was nibbling on the tip of her pencil.
She smiled as shelifted her head.
“You had thetop down.”
Alighting from thelow-slung BMW, he made his way toward the porch and bounded up thesteps. “To enjoy the scent and the breeze.” Leaning over,he kissed one smooth cheek before making space by moving some papersto sit next to her. “You look well.”
“I lookstressed.” She corrected with a sigh. Gathering the papers intoa pile, she put them on the table to her left. “It’s goodto see you.”
Dark brown eyessearched his face. She’d seen him several times since the awfulincident with the mad woman and, during that time, he’d hadthat gaunt look about him. She knew he thought he was in love withthe woman and had suffered as a result of it.
“Want somethingto eat?”
“I brought thewine.” He shook his head and started to rise. “I left iton the backseat.”
“Enough timefor that.” Placing a hand on his arm, she pressed him backdown. “How are you?”
“You made myday, made my damn year actually.” His smile reached his greeneyes and she was pleased to see them twinkling. “I can’ttell you how grateful I am.”
“I want tosay it’s nothing, but it is a big something. I’ll sayinstead that I’m happy to help.” She took a breath.
“I know therisks- “
“So do I.”She shook her head, the untidy pile of hair bundled on top of herhead, slipping a little. “I’m not going to concentrate onthat aspect now. As soon as I leave here, we’ll go to-“She gave him a quizzical look. “I’m assuming you have aplace?”
“The companyhas a vested interest in a private clinic in town.”
She tilted her headto stare at him. She’d had a huge crush on him in high school,but he’d been out of her league. She’d decided he wasn’tso bad for a rich and entitled white guy and they’d becomefriends instead. “Of course, you do.”
“Dion- “Shetouched his arm briefly to get him to look at her. “I'm goingto ask a very personal question.”
“You usuallydon’t give a warning.”
“This time Iam. Are you still in love with her?”
She watched closelyas the mask dropped and his eyes became hooded. “I don’tthink so. She’s still reaching out.”
“Dion- “
“I’mtrying to let go.” Shaking off her hand, he lunged to his feetand went to lean against the rail. “I almost asked her to marryme.”
He told her bleakly.“I had plans for our lives, it didn’t matter she was tenyears my senior, I admired how her body looked, how young she looked.I used to accuse her of looking younger than I did.” His handsgripped the wooden railing until his knuckles showed white.