Page 4 of Dion
“Soon. How areyou for the weekend? Say, Saturday?”
He barely glanced athis schedule and made the decision. This was a lot more importantthan the tennis match at the club.
“You know thehouse? My Mom’s place. I’m here for the weekend, tryingto get away and do some work.”
“Wine. I’mgoing to drink as much as I can now, since for the next nine monthsI’m going to be banned.”
His breath caught inhis throat and he lowered himself into the chair weakly. “You’resaying yes?”
“I’msaying yes. We’re friends, Dion, and you did something for methat I’ll never forget. What did you think I was going tosay?”
“Go tohell?” He ventured shakily. “I’ll never be able topay you back for this.”
“I might askyou for an island when all of this is over.”
Her husky laughsounded in his ear. “I think it’s time you have somethingto look forward to.”
“Thank you,Odette. Seriously. After I asked you, I realized I was asking a lotof our friendship.”
“I used thehell out of you when I wanted to showcase my designs,” Shereminded him.
“This isbigger, and your designs did a hell of a lot for our stores.”
“I agree.”She told him with a laugh. “How are you?”
“Now? I’mover the moon.” He admitted.
“I’mgoing to be a bitchy pregnant woman. I’ve been reading up andpregnancy increases the senses. Beware.”
“I’llkeep that in mind.” He paused and closed his eyes as the reliefcoursed through his body. “Have you called him?”
“Nope.”She knew instinctively who he was referring to. “And I won’t.”
“I’m notgoing to tell you that a parent can be precious or anything likethat.”
“Good. If youdid that, I’d have to hurt you. I already have Lydia breathingdown my neck about the entire thing. Well, anyway, just wanted toshare the news. Have to go. See you on Saturday.”
He hung up and satthere staring at the ash gray wallpaper, his gaze fixed. She’dsaid yes. When he’d come up with the idea of asking her, he’dmentioned it to his mother who had objected at first and then warmedto the idea. “You know how much I want a grandchild.”
Now, she was going tobe carrying his baby and he was grateful for the sacrifice. He’dbeen reading up as well and knew that the fact she’d nevergiven birth before made it slightly risky.
After the pregnancy,he had no idea what would be next, but he wasn’t going to thinkabout that now. running his hands over his face, he rose and left theoffice.
“I’ll bein Mother’s office for a bit. You may transfer my calls there.”
Without breakingstride, he walked past the assistant’s desk and realized it wasempty.
Pushing the doorsopen, he stopped short. “I could come back.”
“Nonsense,darling.” Ilene waved a dismissive hand. “Type that upand send me a copy and hold my calls.” She waited until thewoman had left and closed the doors behind her. “From theexpression on your face I’d guess that the answer ispositive.”
Walking around thedesk, he grinned and pulled her out of the chair. “She saidyes.”
“Oh, darling!”Walking into his arms, she allowed the rigidness to leave hershoulders and closed her eyes in relief. “I might have to kissher.”