Page 44 of Dion
His eyes darkenedeven more. "I’m not a monster."
Lifting her hands,she cupped his face and eased herself up. His breath hissed out asshe widened her thighs and wrapped her legs around him.
Removing one handfrom his face, she guided his swollen cock to her pussy and sankdown, her flesh enclosing his. A groan was torn from his chest as hegazed at her, his body vibrating. "We shouldn't." Hewhispered, but was already moving his hips.
"And yet here weare."
"You were just-"He groaned as she rotated her hips against him. He was deep insideher, so deep it felt as if the tip of his cock was pressing into herwomb. The feeling was unbelievable. Bending his head, he searched forand found a nipple.
Touching his lips tothe tight flesh, he felt her body surge and flow toward his. She’dsaid she was in love with him and he didn’t want to think aboutit, but the fact that she was made him weak inside. It certainlyadded something to the lovemaking. His hands drifted to her hips asher body rolled and undulated against his.
Her heard her cryout, felt when her fingers made grooves first on his shoulders andthen his back. Her body stiffened as he drove into her forcefully.Bending her legs at the knees, without taking his mouth from hernipple, he drove in even deeper.
She came violently,calling out his name in a feverish tone that sent emotions crashingthrough him. Lifting his head, he captured her lips as his own bodyerupted. It was unbelievable! His fingers bit into her flesh as heshot his load into her, his body shuddering.
His heart was racing,his body tingling. Lifting his mouth from hers, he buried his faceinto the side of her neck. He wasn’t thinking about theirargument anymore. The physical contact between them blew his mind.
He was still burieddeep inside her and it was the only place he wanted to be. He feltalive and energized whenever they made love. It shook him it was afar different feeling from when he’d been with Amelia. Then, hefelt dirty. With Odette, he felt pure passion.
"Are yousleeping?" She whispered.
"No. Justthinking."
Lifting his head, hestared at her. "About you. About me. About us."
"Not completesentences but I think I understand." She cupped his face gently."I love you, Dion. Loving you means that I’m not going toleave. Whatever it takes for us to get through everything, then I’mhere. Is that clear?"
He nodded; his eyesgleaming. "Do I have a choice?"
"You want me tosay yes, you do have a choice, but in this situation, the answerwould be no."
"I see." Hesaid carefully.
"Is that cool?"
"It appearsyou’re calling the shots." He pointed out mildly, feelinghis heart melt a little.
"Where this isconcerned, I am." Bending her head, she brushed her lips againsthis. "I’m hungry."
He laughed huskily atthe sudden switch in topic. "We should go and get something toeat." He kissed her softly, sending desire coursing through her.
"I’d enjoygoing to your Mom's for supper."
"I’m notgoing to put my foot in it again. I promise." He lifted her upas he rose, still intimately joined to her.
"You do it sowell." She had her arms and legs wrapped around him and it feltso good.
He kissed her againand felt himself hardening. "Odette." His deep voice was awhisper against her lips, his breath stoking the fire.
"This ismadness." He was already driving into her, his breathingbecoming shallow. "I shouldn't."
"You alreadyare." She met his thrusts, her back arched, fingers gripping hisshoulders as he strode with her up the steps and toward the bed.Laying her down, he lifted her slender legs and planted her feet onhis chest.
Reaching betweenthem, he toyed with her clitoris until she was meeting his thrustsfrantically. It didn’t take long for her to erupt and for himto follow. His eyes held hers as he continued to stroke her as hewatched her reaction.