Page 43 of Dion
"When you havethe baby, you’re free-"
Her short laughtercut him off. "Are you that stupid?"
His body stiffened atthe slur. "I won’t have you insulting me-"
"I’m goingto do whatever the hell I please." She snapped, feeling hercontrol slipping. "You think I’m going to be able to carrythis baby for nine months and not be affected?
We’ve beenfriends for ever and you claim to know me. How can you not know how Ifeel about you? How can you be so smart in business and be a completeidiot when it comes to love?"
"How you feelabout me?" She wasn’t surprised he’d zeroed in onthat out of everything she’d just said.
"I’m inlove with you." She gripped the edges of the blanket as thewords poured from her. "Your mother noticed it, even Lydia didwhen I first told her about the arrangement."
He stared at her inshock, eyes wandering over her face. The silence continued for a fewmoments as she waited for him to comment. She wasn’t going tobe the one to break it.
"I-I don'tunderstand."
"Understand thisthen," She felt the anger floating away to be replaced byweariness. She was sick to her stomach and suspected it was themushrooms she’d eaten earlier. "I’m not goinganywhere." She pushed up from the love seat and rushed into thebathroom.
When she didn’tanswer, he jumped off the bed and was in time to find her on herknees, retching. Sliding down, he held her hair back as she continuedto vomit and felt regret rushing through him. He couldn’t thinkabout her declaration of love right now, mainly because he had noidea what to do about it.
Leaning back againsthim, she closed her eyes wearily.
"All done?"
She nodded. "Ifeel empty."
"I’m notsurprised." Leaning forward, he pushed the lever to flush thetoilet before lifting her into his arms.
"I need to rinsemy mouth out."
Changing direction,he went to the double sinks and turned on the tap. Instead of goingto the bed, he veered to the love seat she’d vacated in herrush to the bathroom and sat with her cradled in his arms.
Her head went to hisshoulders and she closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of him and thewarmth of his body. They remained silent for a few minutes as hestroked her back under the blanket. He was naked and she was sittingon his crotch which was reacting to her as usual.
"I should getyou some tea or something."
"I don't want tomove yet." She whispered into his throat. She could feel hisheartbeat and the way his body was reacting to hers. The man mightnot believe he was in love with her, but the signs were there, andthey were unmistakable.
"You just pukedyour stomach out and need to fill it back up with something. Ishould-"
"Stay here."
"I am-" Hecleared his throat. "I need to give us a little space."
He angled his headdown to look at her, his eyes darkening. "You know why. You werejust sick in the bathroom and I’m-"
"Ready?"She improvised, a smile touching her lips. "So am I."
"We can't."He felt like an animal to want her just after she’d been assick as a dog in the bathroom.
"Why not?"