Page 22 of Dion
"Thank you forthat." Lifting his hand, he placed it over hers. Taking a deepbreath, he closed his eyes. "I told her I’ll be going outof town for a week. Bad timing-"
"I’llcheck in on her, if she lets me."
He smiled at that. "Iintend to do it as well. She warned me about becoming too nagging."
"You’regoing to ignore that, though?"
"Dad said youwent to see him."
Odette glanced up ather sister as she set the lemonade in the center of the table by thepool.
"Once wasenough. I don't want to spoil this lovely summer day by talking abouthim." She warned.
"It has to beaddressed and I thought that was the reason you invited me."
"You’re mysister and we haven’t seen each other in weeks. Hence theinvitation to lunch."
"We still haveto-"
"Dammit Lydia!Give it a rest." Sitting on a chair, she reached for a sandwichand hoped to God her stomach behaved. Dion had been calling her everyday and since he’d left this morning, he’d called herfrom the plane and warned that Ilene would be checking in.
"You sicced yourMom on me? Don't make me regret this."
"I told her toplay nice."
"Does she knowhow?"
"Just humor her,please. She’s brimming over with joy."
"I’ll takethat into consideration."
"There’ssomething I need to tell you." Odette had spent a considerableamount of time battling with the decision, but her sister had to betold.
"What is it?"Lydia poured the lemonade into the glasses and handed her one. Thetwo women were so different it was difficult to believe they wererelated. Odette was the beauty of the two and had inherited her looksfrom their mother.
Lydia looked morelike their father and had inherited his height. Her thick dak brownhair was scraped back into its usual simple bun at the base of herneck.
"I’mpregnant." She decided to come right out with it.
"I heard you thefirst time." Putting the glass down, Lydia stared at her with afrown. "I had no idea you were seeing anyone."
"I’m not."Taking a sip of her lemonade, she put it away before continuing. "I’ma surrogate."
"You’re asurrogate?” Lydia’s lips curled, dark brown eyesflashing. “I thought you had enough money to live on.”
“I’m notdoing it for the money."
"Then pray tell,what would possess you to do something like that?"
"I did it as afavor."