Page 21 of Dion
"And youshouldn't try." She squeezed his hand. "I’m going tobe fine. Women get pregnant every day of the week and aside from thesickness, I’m as good as gold. I promise to eat my vegetablesand fruit and drink my milk." The last was said with adistasteful wrinkle of her nose that had him laughing.
"I pick up thetab for everything."
"I’m notsaying no to that. I really have to go." Leaning in, she kissedhim on the cheek and felt a jolt when he wrapped his arms around herand held on. She was careful to keep some distance between them and,even so, felt her nipples harden painfully in reaction to hisnearness.
"Thank you."He whispered hoarsely; the emotions think in his voice.
"You’remost welcome." She tried to make her voice sound brisk butfailed. "Iif you start crying, I’m going to be pissed."
He laughed softly andkissed the top of her head in a way that made her want to scream. Shewas doing him a favor and he was incredibly grateful, nothing more.Easing out of his arms, she pinned a bright smile on her lips. "We’lltalk."
"I’ll callyou later."
"As long asyou’re not going to turn into a nagging father to be."
"I might do."He touched her cheek lightly, green eyes simmering. "You have noidea-"
"I do."Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of his arms. "And it'sallowed." Slipping away, she got into her car and backed outwith him still standing there.
Chapter 5
He was so excitedthat he barged into his mother's office while she was on a conferencecall.
"I’llwait." He mouthed and went to the cabinet to pour some orangejuice.
He’d wanderedover to the window to stare out and was halfway through his drinkwhen she finished.
"I take itthere’s good news?"
He turned with a bigsmile on his face. “Exceptional news. She’s pregnant."
"Oh, darling!This calls for champagne and I’m talking vintage."
"It's not evennoon."
"Does itmatter?" Ilene pushed away from her desk and pressed theintercom. "Cynthia, hold my calls for the next thirty minutes."
"You don't haveto do that."
"Of course, Ido." Moving toward him, she hugged him fiercely. "The firstchance I get I’m going to kiss that young woman for what she’sdoing." Holding him at arm's length, she noticed withsatisfaction the happy look on his face. "She did this for you.
Put this look on yourface. Do you know how long I’ve waited to see the sadness andhopelessness disappear? Now it's gone."
"I’mhappy." He agreed with a shaky laugh. "And so grateful. I’mgoing to be a father and I swear on everything I hold dear that I’llbe a good one."
"Of course, youwill be." She touched his cheek gently. "You’re nothim, darling, and you never will be.”
He turned away to putdown his glass. “I often find myself wondering about it.”
“I’m nota father yet." Shoving his hands into his pockets, he went tothe window again. "When the doctor confirmed the news, I felt aball of fear in the pit of my stomach.
Now that it'sofficial, I find myself wondering, what if? What if I inherited hiscallousness? What if I’m like him? What if I was wrong to forcethe issue?" He jumped slightly at the touch of her hand on hisshoulder.
"I’m hereto tell you that's nonsense." She said quietly. "When Idiscovered I was pregnant, it made my world. I was so happy and Icouldn’t wait to tell your father the news, but he took itmatter-of-factly. I remember that evening.
I was eagerly waitingfor him to come home so we could share what I thought was thehappiest day of my life, and all he said was he hoped it was a boy.That was it. So we wouldn’t have to do it again." Her handcupped his cheek. “I’ve seen the way you act; howattentive you are and I can say without a doubt that you’renothing like him."