Page 16 of Dion
He did and she droveback out into midday traffic.
"You okay?"
She glanced at him asshe navigated the traffic. “I think so. I’ve just been tothe nursing home."
Dion settled backinto the seat and stretched his long legs out. In truth, he’dbeen on his way to an important meeting when she called and had askedhis assistant to reschedule. "How was it?"
"Horrible."She told him with a shrug.
"Hence thereason for this afternoon jaunt. Where are we going?"
"The park."She flashed him a smile. "It's a lovely day for a walk and Ithought you would like a break from being in the building as lovelyand extravagant as it is."
"You’venever been inside." He pointed out.
"Outside tellsthe tale and I’ve seen pictures of the inside."
"You mentionedlunch?"
"I brought us acouple of sandwiches and some juice. He wants to see me again so thathe can talk."
He was accustomed toher switching from one topic to the next without a break. "And?"
"I told him I’dthink about it."
"Will you?"
They reached the parkand she chose a bench under the shade of a flowering cherry blossom."I just wanted to get out of there. Besides, I wasn’tfeeling well." Unsnapping her seat belt, she turned to look athim. "I think I’m pregnant."
She saw the joy leaponto his handsome face before it was carefully masked.
"It's been onlytwo weeks."
"Almost three."
"It could beanything."
"I haven’thad my period and I’ve been feeling sick for a few days."
"It could beanything." He repeated.
"I’mtelling you I’m pregnant. Why are you being such a killjoy?"
"I’mafraid to get my hopes up." Unsnapping his seat belt, he turnedto her. The confines of the car caused their knees to brush againsteach other.
"We should getout." Without waiting for his response, she opened the door,stretching and taking in the clean air. At this time of the day, thepark was almost deserted, just a few people wandering around. It wasperfect, neither of them would be recognized, or so she hoped.
He came around tojoin her and she struck off toward a winding path. "We should goand get checked out to be sure."
"I am sure, butyes, we should." Stopping at the pond where the ducks weremaking lazy circles in the water, she turned to look at him. Hisbrown hair was tousled from the breeze and he wasn’t wearing ajacket.
The sleeves of hisshirt were cuffed at the elbows, revealing his powerful arms, coveredby hairs slightly darker than the ones on his head. "Do youalways wear a suit?"
He gave her astartled look. "I’m not wearing a suit."
"I bet you leftthe jacket in your office."
"I hadmeetings." He told her vaguely. "How are you?"