Page 15 of Dion
"That meansnothing to me." She told him flatly, ignoring the quickening ofher heart. "I’m only here to stop my sister's nagging andget this out of the way."
"I want toexplain-"
"Please don't."She held up a hand to stop him. "I don't want to hear how youmade a mistake and was scared of your responsibilities. How you spentyour wasted years regretting you walked out on your wife and twodaughters.
It's done and welearned to live with it. You shacked up with some other woman whocouldn’t give you a son, because I’m assuming that waswhat you wanted, and now you’re back. Do I have it right?"
"Not quite."He offered a faint smile tinged with sadness. "I couldn’tfind my way back."
"You did whenyou’re sick and dying. Look, I did what I came here to do andnow I have to go." She started to rise when he held out a hand.
"I’m proudof you both and I’d like it if you could come back."
"I’m notsure-"
"Please."He dropped his hand when it became clear she wasn’t going toallow the contact. "Just to talk. I know you’re a long wayfrom forgiving me, but I want to talk. I have a lot to say."
"I’m sureyou do." Pushing back the chair, she stood still as she feltdizzy. This time, the queasiness was even more evident.
"Are you okay?"He was looking at her strangely.
"I’mfine." Taking deep breaths, she tried to steady herself. "I’mjust tired."
"I’m happyyou came."
"I can’tsay the same." She had to leave, she thought hazily. There was aplate of half-eaten bacon and eggs on a tray in the corner of theroom and she was sure it was what was causing her nausea. "Ican’t make any promises, but I’ll think about it."She was steadier now, but her stomach still felt as if she were on aship.
"That's all Ican ask. Take care of yourself."
"You too."Pushing back the chair, she left the room. As soon as she reached thehallway, she leaned against the wall and took several deep breaths.She wanted to make sure before calling Dion. It could be anything.Something she ate, the visit to her father, the stress of trying tocome up with the designs, anything.
Leaning off the wall,she made her way out into the parking lot. It’d finallyhappened. After more than a month of waiting and, in Dion's case, oflosing hope along the way, she was carrying his baby.
Chapter 4
"Hi. How aboutgoing for a drive?"
"Anywhere. Icould come and pick you up. Where are you?"
"I’m justleaving the office."
"To go where?"
"Out for lunch.Why? What's happening?"
"I could pickyou up from there. Unless it’s a business lunch?"
"Not exactly.I’ll wait outside."
"On my way."
He was waitingoutside the office when she pulled into the lot.
"Get in."