Page 9 of Nash
“We know weneed a leader for the team,” Maddie told her while they werefinetuning some files and making a list of things to start with.“Angie was great of course, and knew her job, but when she gotmarried and decided to go to Europe with her husband, we –‘She waved a hand.
“None of uswanted to take on the responsibility of being the leader. Angie usedto stay behind for hours to make sure the press release or socialmedia posts were as accurate as possible.” She smiled atAllison warmly as she sipped coffee. “We’re familiar withyour work and know we have the best.”
Allison admired thequiet, soothing manner of the woman, with her tidy brown hair andlight green eyes. The rest had gone to their offices to work ondocuments she’d given them.
Angie had left thingsin order, but Allison had always worked a certain way and getting thenod of approval from Nash Hamilton, had given her the enthusiasm todig further. She was going to come up with a game plan to get thelimping airline back on track.
The racing pulse andwarmth of her skin had been dismissed as just a human reaction to anincredibly attractive man. He was intimidating and she’d beenscared of him finding fault with her report, that was it. That couldbe the only thing that had her so hot under the collar, couldn’tit?
Chapter 3
She’d been inthe job for two weeks when he summoned her to his office. Apart fromthe first day, she hadn’t seen or heard him. His office wassituated on the top floor and hers on the second. She was in themiddle of a meeting with the others when his assistant buzzed her.
"Mr. Hamiltonwould like to see you." The polite voice said imperiously.
"I’m in ameeting-"
"In fiveminutes, Ms. Simpson. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting."She disconnected without waiting for a response, no doubt confidentshe would be obeyed.
"David, wouldyou please take over?" Forcing a smile to her lips, she turnedto look at the Harvard graduate whose ideas were refreshing andinnovative. He was young, and an excellent source of informationabout the latest trends. "I’ll be back shortly."
Looking around with afrown, she wondered what to take with her.
"No doubt hewants to see what progress there is on the pharmaceutical company."Maddie informed her helpfully.
"Of course.Thanks, Maddie."
Armed with thefolder, she didn’t bother to put her jacket on before leavingthe room and headed toward the elevator. There was no sense in beingangry that he’d summoned her when she was in the middle of ameeting, although the lack of respect was obvious.
"He’swaiting." The 'dragon' inclined her perfectly coiffed white headtoward the doors and went back to her computer.
Allison's angerincreased and she had to take several deep breaths before pushing thedoors open and stepping into his office.
His dark head wasbent over a thick folder and without looking up, he flicked a handtoward a chair. Lowering herself into the padded seat, she sat there,waiting and watching him for a minute before turning her attention tothe stunning view outside the window.
It was approachingChristmas and the sky was a brilliant blue dotted with puffy grayclouds. She was so immersed in the study of the outside she failed tonotice the man behind the desk was now studying her. An annoyed frowncrossed his brow as he continued to stare at her.
Today, she waswearing a blue cashmere sweater over dark blue pants and the sweatermolded her curves lovingly. Her hair was, as usual, tied backrevealing the attractive roundness of her face. She was wearing goldearrings and he found his eyes straying to her lips, a punch of lustslamming into him and surprising him.
"Ms. Simpson!"His voice was unnaturally loud and sharp in the otherwise quiet roomand caused her to jump, her head swiveling around to stare at him.
Large, brown eyesframed by long lashes flashed at him and for a few seconds neither ofthem spoke. "I don’t have time to waste." Keepingdown the fury at the unexplained heat in his body, he frowned at her.
"Neither do I."She told him coolly. "I was in a very important meeting when yousummoned me and, instead of acknowledging me, you carried on readingwhatever is in that folder."
Allison couldn’tbelieve she’d just reprimanded her boss. She was accustomed tospeaking her mind, of course, but that was no excuse. He was heremployer and a very powerful one at that. Not to mention the fact shewas still on probation. Bracing herself for the blast, she wonderedfleetingly if she should apologize and try to save her job.
"I see."His voice was silky, his face expressionless as he continued to stareat her, revealing nothing. "I’ll bear that in mind in thefuture. I don't know if you’re aware, but I happen to be theboss and you are an employee. If I send for you, it’s my rightto do so."
" I respectthat, I really do. But-"
"No buts, Ms.Simpson. I take it you value your place here?"
"Yes." Shebit out, unable and unwilling to avoid showing her annoyance at hishighhandedness. "But I expect to be treated like a human being."
She was on a roll andcouldn’t stop. "I was in the middle of an importantmeeting and after ditching everything to run up here, because yourassistant made it seem like it was of extreme importance, you pointedme to a chair and had me waiting."
The silence descendedagain and this time, she realized she’d gone too far, but thewords were already spoken and couldn’t be taken back. His facerevealed nothing of what he was thinking or feeling and she had toforce herself not to fidget as he continued to stare at her.