Page 8 of Nash
“Where is shenow?”
“In her office.Would you like me to- “
“Send her in,and notify the board members I need an additional ten minutes.”
“Of course.”Withdrawing from inside the doorway, Laura went to do his bidding.
He was immersed inthe fine print of a contract when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.”Pushing aside the bulky document, he watched as the woman, clad inblack and red and wearing knee-high boots came walking in. He’dnoticed from the meeting yesterday how attractive she was, but todayshe seemed to have added another layer of beauty. His gaze flickeredover her face as she stood next to the chair.
“Have yousettled in?”
The question seemedto throw her for a second. “As well as can be expected.”Her voice was cultured, with a seductive undertone that didn’tescape him.
Inclining his head,he indicated for her to take a seat. Allison forced herself to relax.He’d taken off his suit jacket and slung it carelessly on thesofa at the window.
His deep voice madeher jump slightly, the embarrassment at being caught staring makingher blush.
“Ah, yes. Ispent last night coming up with something. It’s all here.”
He rose, pushing backhis chair and made his way toward her. She started to get to herfeet, but he waved her back down. Taking the chair next to her, heextended one large hand for the folder.
He was large, notonly physically, but his personality too. His cologne, somethingspicy and expensive, drifted to her nostrils. Up close, she could seethe tanned skin, the shadow on his strong jaw, and the fact he had ascar at the side of his left eye.
He swamped her sensesand made her feel unsure of herself. When he lifted his head from thepages he was reading, his eyes caught and held hers, sending warmthflooding throughout her body.
Seemingly unaware ofthe havoc he was causing, he leaned back against the chair andstudied her quizzically.
“This is quitegood.”
Her surprise at thecompliment left her speechless.
“Thank you.”
“You did yourresearch.”
“I did.”Clearing her throat, she continued. “It was clear to anyone whotook a second look at the history to realize that tampering wasinvolved.”
“The previousowners had a difficult time letting go.”
“The pilot wasinvolved with a cousin of the family.”
He nodded again.
“You’regoing to need some sort of damage control. I’ll get on it andsend you an email as soon as we come up with something.”
“Welcome to thecompany,” Rolling to his feet in a graceful manner, he handedher the folder and made his way back to his desk, giving her thechance to breathe again.
“Thank you.”
With a dismissivenod, he went back to reading the rest of his messages.
They were a nice lotand ready to take orders from her. Even Maddie, who was in hermid-fifties and had been with the company for the past ten years.There was no resentment that she’d taken someone’sposition.