Page 49 of Nash
“No, you don’t.I guarantee you’ve never needed anyone in your life. Just goaway, Nash. You can’t expect to chew me out both at your homeand before a room full of people and expect me to come running whenyou have an itch to scratch.”
“I'm sorry.”
The apology was sounexpected it had her looking up at him. “Apology accepted. Nowplease leave, I have work to do.”
Swearing beneath hisbreath, he turned the lock on the door and strode over to her.
“What are youdoing?” She squeaked.
“I need you.”He gritted. “This is how much.” Hauling her to her feet,he seized her lips in a kiss that sent fire hurtling through herbody. Her first thought was to resist and push him away, he’dpissed her off and made her feel ashamed.
Now, he was hereasking- With a tormented moan, she gripped the lapels of his cashmerejacket and returned the kiss with pent-up passion. Dropping his handsto her waist, he drew her closer, fingers digging into her back.
Ending the kissabruptly, he pushed her away, his breathing harsh and unsteady. “Cometo me tonight.”
“No.”Closing her eyes briefly, she tried to steady herself. “Justgo.”
Staring at her for aminute longer, he turned and walked away, pulling the door forcefullyand leaving it open.
Sinking down into thechair, she buried her head in her hands and took several deepbreaths.
Her leg was proppedup to keep it steady and he could see the bruises on her face. "Theycalled you." She murmured in a resigned tone.
"Not surprisingsince I’m your emergency contact." Pulling up a chair, hestraddled it and pointed to the cast. "How did it happen?"
"I was in theattic trying to get some old paintings and fell through the crawlspace." She told him with a grimace.
"I hope you’velearned your lesson."
"Trust me, Ihave." She studied his face and felt a twinge. He was a pro athiding his feelings and she was left wondering if he was annoyed atbeing called away from his busy life. She hadn’t seen him indays. He’d called to check on her of course, but his querieshad been brief and formal. "How have you been?"
"Busy, but I’mhere to talk about you. The doctors told me you’re going to beout of commission for at least two months."
"I can go backhome in a week." She pointed out.
"Who is going totake care of you then?"
"I can hobblearound on my own and I do have someone who comes in three times aweek." She was hoping he would say she could stay with him.
"Will she beable to do it full time?"
Squashing herdisappointment, she nodded. "I can ask her."
"It might be agood idea to have her stay in one of the guest rooms."
She smiled at him asshe fussed at the sheets. "You’re always looking afterme."
"You lookedafter me when I needed it." His phone vibrated just then."Excuse me, I told my assistant to direct urgent calls to me."
"Please, goright ahead."
With a nod, he roselithely and went over to the corner of the room to take the call. Itgave her the opportunity to stare at him longingly. He was stillwearing the black cashmere coat over his tailored gray suit. He hadhis back turned and she admired the way the coat was draped preciselyover his broad shoulders.
A wistful smiletouched her lips as she recalled the gawky teenager who’d cometo stay with her. She’d often wondered what would have happenedif she hadn’t extended a helping hand. Somehow, she realized hewould have found another way. Helping him had been very beneficial toher. He’d rewarded her extensively.
She had her ownluxurious apartment and gallery. She was grateful to him, butrealized that she wanted more.