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He was tempted to goafter her and say what? That he apologized for being so abrupt, soharsh? Try and explain that he was confused and had no idea what thisis? Before he could make his mind up, she was gone.
Closing the door, heplaced his palms flat against the solid surface and bent his head,taking several deep breaths. He was right. No matter what this wasbetween them, he couldn’t afford to explore it.
He'd spent yearswithout love in his life and had learned to live without it. He washappy enough, wasn’t he? He had money and status and that wasenough. Bracing away from the doors, he shoved his hands into hispockets.
He hadn’t askedher to call him by his given name, she’d just assumed. Shakinghis head, he realized that it was ridiculous to be on formal termswhen he’d been so intimate with her. Leaning against the door,he closed his eyes as the memories swam around inside his head.
Her soft sighs, themoans coming from her when he used his mouth all over her body. Hershocked response and the way she’d reared up when he firsttouched her pussy with his tongue. He hadn’t asked, but herealized from her reaction that it was probably her first time. Hehadn’t inquired, but had felt the thrill of it going throughhim.
The way he’dfelt when he was deep inside her. Taking a deep breath, he strodeback into the kitchen and tried to concentrate.
“Mr. Ernesto isinsisting on seeing you. I’ve repeatedly told him that you’rea very busy man but he refuses to listen.” Laura glanced at thedevice on her lap briefly, before ticking off several things.
“The interviewhas created an enormous ripple effect. Several more talk show hostsare trying to get you to commit to an interview with them. I’vedirected the inquiries to the PR department, specifically, Ms.Simpson.”
“Good.”He responded briefly.
“You have aluncheon meeting and then a board meeting. The rumors going aroundabout the beleaguered airline have been squashed enough to startgetting the word out about the expected change. Would you like me topencil in a time for you to meet with Ms. Simpson and her team?”
“The boardwould like to be in on the meeting.” He glanced at his watch.“Have it scheduled for later this afternoon. I’m notgoing to be able to reschedule my trip to Europe again.”
Laura nodded. “Ihave you leaving tomorrow afternoon. Oh, and Ms. Jacqueline Taylorcalled and asked if you would be interested in having dinner with hertonight.”
He shook his head. “Imight have another engagement.” He thought briefly of how he’dleft things with Allison. He was going to be away for a few days andwanted to be with her tonight. He hadn’t seen or heard anythingfrom her, since he’d been in.
He’d sit in themeeting and tell her to stay behind. He’d seen that she leftseveral items in the bathroom and wondered if that was deliberate.
He wasn’t surehe wanted to know what that represented. He didn’t want tothink about it. Also, Miriam had been calling him and he hadn’tbeen responding either. When the hell had his life become socomplicated? In the past, it hadn’t mattered to him.
He’d be with awoman and, when it was over, ask his assistant to purchase somethingexpensive to soften the blow. Now, he was fawning over a woman he’djust met. One who was employed to him. It was pissing him off.
“Mr. Hamilton?”
He’d been sodeep in thought, he’d forgotten about his assistant. “Yes?”
“The Bisasorcontract. You instructed me to send it over to legal to have a lookat it.”
“And?”Mentally shaking his head, he tried to get back in the game.
“They’rerequesting a meeting with you to go over some of the fine printbefore you sign.”
“It’llhave to be when I get back.” He rose, suddenly feeling veryrestless. “That’s all.”
He waited until Laurahad left the room before going over to the cabinet. He was in direneed of a strong drink.
Chapter 12
Allison refused toallow the fact he was ignoring her, get in the way of doing her job.He had his assistant send an email about the meeting, something sheknew was deliberate. Well, fine. If he wanted to play it like that,then so would she.
Armed with herfolders, she stepped into the conference room where the rest of themen were sat around the table and took her seat. His prissy assistanthanded her the agenda and went back to take her seat in the corner ofthe room.
Refusing to look atthe man at the head of the table, she concentrated on the othersgathered around.
There were eleven menon the board, ages ranging from thirty-five to seventy years old andone woman, Angela Bucknor, a sharp and chic blonde who was head ofthe acquisition department. The woman didn’t seem to mind theinequality and conducted herself in a precise and professionalmanner.
He avoided looking ather and she told herself that she didn’t care. But oh, itburned. The man had spent the entire night and morning worshiping herbody and was now reclining in his chair and talking to everyoneexcept her. If she wasn’t in love with him, she couldcheerfully strangle him.