Page 45 of Nash
He’d risen athis usual time, a quarter to five, but this morning he’d foundhimself lingering as he stared at the woman sleeping on his bed. Herhair was spread over the pillows, her face mashed into the fabric.
He’d beentempted to wake her and make love to her again. He’d beeninsatiable last night and had lost control too many times to count.Somehow, he had to recover his equilibrium.
So, he’d takena shower, dressed, and was scrolling the stock market trying toconcentrate on the images.
He’d also madethe call to Tokyo to check on an investment there, all the time,looking at the doorway to see if she was there. He’d never hada woman sleep over before, because he never wanted to give them thewrong impression.
Now, here he was,with a woman in his bed, one who was employed to him. He was in aquandary and had no idea what to do about it.
He was pouring coffeeinto the cups when he smelled her subtle perfume combined with theearthy scent of his body wash. His hands shook slightly as he staredat her framed inside the archway of the kitchen door. She was wearinga black sweater that did wonders for her complexion and black dresspants with knee-high boots.
“Hi.” Hersmile peeked out, showing her dimples. She had her hair braided atone side of her face and was wearing hoops.
“I havecoffee.” He had no idea what to do with his hands. “Nothingmore, I am afraid. I don’t eat breakfast.”
“Coffee isfine.”
“How do youprefer it?”
“Black, nosugar. It smells terrific.”
“South Americanblend.” He felt a jolt when she walked around the counter tostand in front of him.
“What are youdoing?” He demanded.
“This,”Reaching her hands up, she wrapped them around his neck and broughthis head down. The hesitation was brief. With a tormented groan, hetook her lips in a searing kiss that shook them to the core. Hishands drifted down to her ass, squeezing and molding her to hisalready engorged flesh.
His heart wasthumping inside his chest and, for a moment, he wanted to tell her toditch work and spend the day with him in bed. The idea was so strongthat he was staggered by it. Wrenching his mouth from hers, hestepped back, eyes glittering as he stared at her.
“You’regoing to be late.” He turned away from her, so angry at hislack of control and the powerful need to have her, that he couldn’tbear it.
“It wouldn’tdo for me to take advantage of the fact I’m sleeping with theboss.” She said lightly, watching the ramrod stiff back andshoulders.
Grabbing a go cupfrom the shelf, he poured coffee and secured the cover before handingit to her. “I’d hope you’re not stupid enough totry that. You’re my employee and I’m not going to giveyou special treatment because I fucked you.”
Her eyes flashed andshe had to take several deep breaths before responding. She realizedwhat he was doing and told herself she was going to have to bepatient. “I’d never put you in that position. I- “
“I have somethings to take care of before I leave.” He turned on his heelsand headed towards the doorway. “I’ll see you out.”
He helped her on withher coat, careful not to touch her, before turning away to take thealarm off.
“I guess I’llsee you at the office.” She murmured aimlessly. She’dleft her toothbrush and washcloth in the bathroom and wished she hadenough time to soak in the claw-footed bath, big enough to hold sixpeople. One day soon, she vowed.
“I’mgoing to be busy- “
“I wasn’tasking for an appointment, Nash.” She declared impatiently.
“I’dappreciate you keeping this to yourself, and not calling me by myfirst name at the office.”
Her eyes flashed.“I’m nothing if not a professional.” She told himcoldly, feeling the glow from last night and this morning fading.Damn him! “I’ll continue to do what I’ve been doingsince I started working there. Endure your nasty attitude, by tryingto ignore it.”
His dark eyesglittered in response. “I can’t afford to have thisgetting out. So, I’d appreciate it if you would keep this toyourself.”
“Oh, shit! Andhere I was thinking of calling a press conference and informing thepublic about the status of our relationship. Oh!” She clappedone hand lightly over her mouth. “How remiss of me. We’renot in a relationship, are we?”
The anger spurted upand threatened to spill over. “You’re damn right. We hadsex and that’s all there is to it. I don’t dorelationships and if that was what you were hoping for, you’rein for a big disappointment.”
They stood thereglaring at each other, before she turned and wrenched the doors open.Without a word, she marched over to the elevator and punched thebutton, not even looking at him.