Page 30 of Nash
“Oh, honey."He shook his head as he took a sip of the eggnog. "It must beheartbreaking."
"It is."
Turning sideways, hegave her an inquisitive look. "I bet that's not the only thingthat has you looking so miserable."
"Isn't thatenough?" She asked lightly.
“I happen toknow you very well, honey. You keep forgetting I’m aninvestigator."
"You keepthrowing that word around."
He grinned boyishly."It makes me sound like Jason Bourne. What gives?"
"Nothing,"She muttered.
"You know thatbeing an investigator-" He grinned at her expression. “I’mgoing to dig and prod until I get to the bottom of it."
"I’m justfeeling the Christmas blues."
"That isn’ta thing and you love Christmas. You go insane over the shopping, thelights and the gifts.' He nodded to the tree. I’d go as far assaying that you‘re manic about it. So, it has to be somethingelse." A frown touched his brow. "You’re not seeinganyone as far as I can tell."
"No, I’mnot."
"You’renot still hung up on that asshole who stole from you."
"I’m overthat."
"My prowess atreading people tells me you’re telling the truth."
"Why, thankyou."
"Sarcasm noted."He studied her over his glass. "You met someone."
"I’malways meeting people."
He shook his head."It has to be someone special. You told me you’re holdingout for 'Mr. Wonderful.'"
"It's actually'Mr. Right."
"And you foundhim?"
"He turned outto be a jerk." She blurted out before she could stop herself.
"Ah. Who is he?"
She shook her head."It's not important."
"Oh, but it is.You’re trying to show me and your Mom that you’re havingthe time of your life. At the church service, you were clappinglouder than everyone else. I was tempted to put in my earplugs justto drown you out.
You were also singingat the top of your voice. I know you have a lovely voice but youalmost had me going deaf. It's a good thing the service wasn’tlong."
"You could haveleft." She told him darkly.
"I haven’tbeen to a chapel in more than a year, and it was quite enjoyable. Ifigured that staying for the entire thing was a balm to my sinfulsoul. You, on the other hand, were intent on making up forsomething."
"You’renot going to let this go, are you?" She asked in a resignedtone.
"You know me sowell. Spill. Who’s the guy?”